28| Excecution

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Aanya's POV

Today Vineet had his first final. I had my finals right after his finals come to an end. I was up early and was studying on the bed because we had a sleepover last night and now he doesn't want to let me go. So I'm studying on the bed while hum hugging my stomach.

Soon we will celebrate our 2 year anniversary. It is such a big thing that we spent 2 years of our lives loving each other. Though it is 3 months away, still I'm so excited for that day. We are gonna do so many things. I've to plan out everything because my man here won't even wake up.

One day, we will get married and then our love will increase more than what we have today. To be honest, I never thought this day will even come. Me loving him this much, him being with me in everything. It's just so fascinating.

It was about time we start getting ready so I decided to wake him up. "Winnie." I said softly kissing the tip of his nose. He wiggled a bit and pulled me close. He opened his eyes but scrunched his face when he saw books. "What do I expect from a padhaku?" He said and I laughed. He calls me that whenever he sees me with books. 

"You have exam today. So wake up." I said pulling his arm that was going towards my breast. He kept looking at me with those heart eyes that I couldn't look away from. I looked at him the same way he did and he smiled before singing- 

"Aise na yu dekho jaanu~"

I smiled before red hue coated my cheeks and I looked away. We both got up laughing and got ready for the day. We reached the campus and kissed each other goodbye. I saw Ahana and Swara waiting for me. I greeted them and we walked to the class together with me and Swara talking about something random and Ahana in her own world as always. At first I used to ask her why she is so quite but then I stopped. She's deeply thinking something but right now I'm not so curious.

We attended our classes and then went to cafeteria. "Aanya can I ask you something?" Ahana asked me. "Yeah sure." I said sipping my coffee. "Do you know Vineet's dad?" She asked and I looked at her. "I do but why?" I asked her. Why was she suddenly asking about Vineet's dad? "I heard few things about him. I asked casually." She said and laughed nervously. I found it suspicious but then I let it go. 

We then casually spent our day like usual but still, Ahana's question was lingering in my mind for some odd reason. I shook off the thought and went to library. I spent the rest of the day just studying and waiting for Vineet. Soon, he came and sat beside me. I pulled out one of my earphone and offered it to him. I had a few pages left more so he just put his head on my shoulder and slept for while till I finish up my work.

I finished up pretty soon and looked at him playing with my hair and listening to the music with his eyes closed. I smiled at the sight. "Winnie.." I called him in a soft whisper. "Yes baby? Done?" He asked and I nodded. We then went straight to his apartment. "Winnie listen na." I said when I remembered my conversation with Ahana. 

"Yes baby?" He replied. "I never met your dad." I said a bit hesitantly knowing he doesn't really like his dad. "Why do you wanna meet him?" He asked gently but his face turned hard. "I wanna meet him, talk to him-" I was not able to complete my sentence.

"You know what, you'll never meet him. He's my dad and I don't want you to meet him. Now you can go." He said in a demanding voice. I felt bad because of his rudeness. I kept looking at him to see any signs of regret or if he'll come saying sorry but when he didn't, I just turned around and walked away.

I walked to my house because I don't like going in a bus. I was walking mindlessly and stumbled upon a stone. I fell on my knee and it scraped. I felt tears forming in my eyes but I brushed them off and went straight to my home.

Just in the morning everything was fine. But the moment his dad was mentioned everything started falling. What is it that he's not telling me? I am getting curious now. I'll talk to Ahana about it tomorrow.

Vineet's POV

She should not have mentioned him. I know I should not have been so rude with her but I can't keep calm when he is mentioned. I loose my composure. This is not new. Not to me. Bht definitely new to Aanya. She has never witnessed this side of me.

I know she must be hurt but for now it's better if I stay a bit away from her. All the memories started coming in my mind. The memories I so desperately want to forget. I sighed before pulling out a beer bottle. This is the only way to calm.

I don't even know when I slept on the ground itself until morning when I woke up all sore. Then I remembered Aanya and the way I spoke to her. The guilt was too much. I have to make it up to her today anyhow.

Hey all!.
Here's the next chapter. Do vote and comment for another one soon. Also the target for this one is 30+ votes and 15+ comments.

Maybe it's too much but please complete it. I'll feel happy if it is completed.

Yours Nyraa.

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