29| manipulating her

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Aanya's POV

I was hurt. Even if he didn't like his dad, he shouldn't have behaved that way. What's so wrong about his dad that he doesn't like him? And even if he doesn't like him, still it's his father. How can someone not like their father? Like do you have a choice? How come you have a choice to either like or dislike your parents?

I was hurt not only by the fact that he spoke rudely to me, I was hurt also because he doesn't value his father's presence. Maybe he has a reason for it but still that's not right. I was in my room deeply lost in my thoughts when the doorbell rang. I received the door only to see a pile of books and flower bouquet kept there. There was no need for me to think who it was. It was definitely my beloved boyfriend who's drowning himself in guilt for talking to me rudely.

I smiled at his efforts. Though I was no more angry on him now, but if this is what I'll get for being angry, then why not? I smiled and pulled all the books inside.

Vineet's POV

I had to make up to her for my rude behavior. So I bought a few books and a beautiful bouquet for her and delivered it to her home. I hope she will be happy now. But now I've to meet my dad. I'm not so happy about this meeting but he's my dad so I have to.

I went in the cafe where he called me and took a seat in front of my dad who was waiting for me. "Yes?" I said to break the silence. "You know why I called you." He said and obviously I knew.

"I don't want to work in your company. You can happily enjoy in that company of yours. I have zero interest to work for you." I said. "I think you need to reconsider-" he said but I cut him in middle. "Did I bluff, Mr. Singhal?" I said .

"Fine." He sighed. "I heard you got a girlfriend." He said and I snapped my head towards him. "Listen, stay away from her. She's got nothing to do with you. " I said in a no-nonsense tone. I could not bear the thought of him going anywhere near her. I know the type of man my father is. He just cares about himself and nobody else. I learnt this the worst way possible.

"I'm just saying-" "Stop yourself right there. I repeat, Don't. Go. Anywhere. Near. Her." I gritted my teeth. It's literally impossible for me to keep calm when it's about my only love. I walked out from the cafe and went to my apartment.

Aanya's POV

I was with Ahana and Swara when I saw the commotion between Vineet and his father. "Hey! Is it Vineet and his father? They don't look like they're having a peaceful conversation." Swara spoke as I looked at them having almost fight. They definitely don't look like they're normal dad and son.

"Well I've heard things about his dad." Ahana said and I looked at her. "What things?" I asked. I wanted to know about his dad. "Not good things certainly." She said and I was even more confused now. What did she hear about him? And why were they having argument?

Aren't they father and son? Why would they fight like that? Vineet walked out on his face. I wonder what they talked about. "Anyways let's go and sit in." Ahana said and pulled me with her.

We sat on one of the tables and they ordered while I was busy lost in my own thoughts. My mind was filled with the scene that unfolded before me. If I'm not mistaken, Vineet's father looked like he was about to slap him hard but held back.

That's not what a healthy father-son relationship looks like. "Do you know he had affair with another woman while being married?" Ahana said and I looked at her in shock. This was a big information. How could Vineet's father do this?

"Is it the truth?" I asked still not able to digest the fact. "Yes it is." She said. It was still not believable for me. I was listening to her as she began telling me things about Vineet's father. Though I did not want to believe, but they seemed to be so true. I looked at Ahana as she kept talking.

After our meet was done I went back home. I couldn't meet Vineet as he had his practice and he also had to study for his finals. I went home and started preparing for my exam but my mind was still stuck on the scene I've witnessed and Ahana's words.

It means Vineet's father is not a good man. I shook my head to get out of those thoughts and focused on studying. I spent the rest of the day studying and hadn't talked to Vineet. Next day, I went to campus and the first thing I did was try to meet him but he hadn't yet arrived.

I went with Ahana and Swara and spent the rest of the day with them. On my way back, I decided to check up on Vineet and knowing it was time for his practice I directly went to the playground. But the scene shocked me to my core.

"I can't believe I'm your son."

Hey all!
Though the vote target is not finished, yet I'm posting this chapter because a lot to days have passed but y'all are not completing the target.

Though I'm a little demotivated but I love writing and I do it for my happiness and satisfaction. Still thank you for reading my work.

Do vote and comment for next chapter.

Yours Nyraa.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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