12| Kavya's life story

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Author's POV

"Well they were very innocent..."

The lady began.

"Kavya and her family was a simple family, consisting of Kavya and her parents. They were very normal lower class people like us. Kavya was a ambitious kid. She always wanted to go to Mumbai to study. She dreamt of being a doctor. And she did so.

One fine day, we heard the joyous scream of Kavya. She kept running in whole village, screaming that she got accepted into one of the most prestigious medicine college in Mumbai. She was the happiest person alive on that morning. But as soon as the day ended, her happiness turned into sadness.

She had to leave her family behind and go to a whole new place. Laksha, this little girl's elder sister, was also going with her to study there. Laksha was a calm, composed girl. Completely opposite to Kavya. Kavya was a storm and Laksha was peaceful yet terrific ocean.

Laksha never spoke much, but whenever she did, she made sure the other person dies out of shame. Laksha and Kavya were always together. They both decided to leave for Mumbai the next day. We don't know what happened in Mumbai, but one day Kavya came back and she was alone. We asked her about Laksha but she didn't say anything.

She didn't stay much here. She came searched for something in Laksha's house and left the same day." Said the ladies.

"Can you tell us the name of the college they joined?" Vineet asked. "I think it was 'Grant Medical College'." The lady answered.
(Idk about this college. I searched in the Google. If there is anything wrong please ignore. -Nyraa)

"Okay. Also can you tell me more about Kavya's behaviour that day? Like any suspicious thing that you might've noticed." Aanya inquired.

"Her dress was torn from left on the shoulder. We thought of asking her but she didn't talk to anyone. Also there was a mark on her left wrist. I saw that when she came to my house for the keys of her house." One of the ladies said.

"What was the mark like? And where were her parents that day?" Aanya asked again.

"It was a burn mark. It was purplish black and it looked like a cut that was made deliberately. Also, that day many villagers went on a yatra, her parents went with them. When they came and went told them about Kavya, they said they didn't want to talk about her." The lady replied.

"Ouhh, I see. Then do you know why their houses are in the condition they are in now? Everything is broken." Vineet asked.

"Few days ago 10-12 men came and broke into their houses, they even had guns with them. We thought of going and stopping them, but when we saw guns we decided to be shut. We didn't want to get ourselves killed. They took Kavya's parents and Laksha's parents with them. We didn't go to check the house as we didn't want to put ourselves into trouble so we didn't know that Shikha was still in the house." The lady said explaining herself.

"Still, you should've checked the house. What would she've been going through? She's just a small kid." Aanya said to them more like warning them.

"We're sorry. I'll take care of her." A lady offered. "No, I'll take Shikha with me." Aanya declared. Vineet looked at her as he knew Aanya didn't like being with kids. "Aanya you don't have to. If you don't want to leave Shikha here then I can keep her with me." Vineet said.

"I told I'll take her with me. End of discussion." Aanya said in a 'I-don't-want-to-hear-anything-more' tone.

"As you say madam." Vineet said as he saw her going towards the car with Shikha in her arms. "Thank you so much ladies and I apologise for her behaviour just now and my behaviour at the beginning." Vineet said politely before joining Aanya.

"Hey! Penguin!" Vineet called her. "Don't call me that." Aanya said. "Okay penguin." Vineet said again. "You-" Vineet cut Aanya before she could complete.

"I just wanted to ask if you are really sure about keeping this kid with you." Vineet asked her. "Of course I am. Now take this irritating face of yours out of my sight." Aanya said turning away.

"Aww darling, you used to kiss this face, remember?" Vineet said making Aanya stop in her tracks. "If you don't then I'll have to bring your memory back." Vineet said getting close to her.

Aanya stayed frozen in her tracks. She was lost in her own thoughts or well that's what Vineet thought. As soon as Vineet got close enough to Aanya's ear, Aanya turned around with a huge rock in her hands.

"Take a step more and you'll be rewarded with this on your face. You are a 30 year old grown man so act like one and maintain some professionalism." Aanya said taking step towards Vineet with each word she spoke.

"First of all, I'M NOT 30 I'M 26!!! and second thing, how did your small hands get a hold of this big rock?" Vineet said taking the rock away.

"Doesn't matter, 26 or 30. It's the same. And my hands are not small." Aanya said to Vineet. "Shut up! And you and your hands, both are just tiny creatures. " Vineet said poking Aanya on her shoulder.

"Listen here you piece of shit-" Aanya could not complete her sentence because they heard a laughter in the background. Aanya and Vineet looked over to see Shikha laughing at them.

"What the hell are you laughing at kiddo?!" Vineet asked. "Can you stop being rude for a second?" Aanya asked Vineet frustratingly. "No I can't. Thank you very much." Vineet replies back.

"Shut the fuck up and go stand near that tree. You made her sad." Aanya said pointing a random tree. "Do you think we are in school and you are still that Hitler monitor that I'll listen to you and stand facing a wall?!" Vineet looked at her in disbelief.

"Yes I think so. Now get out of here." Aanya said not looking at him. Vineet stared at her for a hot minute before going and standing near the tree facing it. Aanya looked at him going and smiled knowing that he stills listens to every word she says.

"Sometimes I miss him so much." Aanya said in a low tone. "Why do you miss him? He's right in front of you." Shikha said. "Missing someone doesn't mean you wanna meet them. It means you want to be with them, live with them the way you used to be. And I miss being with him how I used to be." Aanya still touching Shikha's nose.

"How you used to be with him? What do you mean?" Shikha asked again.

"You won't understand cutie pie. Don't stress your brain. Now let's go and eat something ok?" Aanya asked Shikha smilingly. "Mhm. Keep smiling. You look beautiful." Shikha said out of nowhere. "You think so?" Aanya said laughing. Shikha just nodded her head.

"Let's go. HEY! IDIOT! COME BACK HERE!" Aanya called Vineet.

"FIRST CALL ME LOVINGLY! ONLY THEN I WILL COME!" Vineet replied hoping she'll call him lovingly. "BE HAPPY WITH THE VILLAGERS! I'LL NOT MISS YOU!" Aanya yelled to him sitting in the car. "WTF! WAIT! PENGUIN!" Vineet ran back to the car.

Who was he kidding? Aanya would never call him lovingly.

Here's next chapter. I'm posting it before time but please vote and comment on this chapter. I've honestly lost hopes that I'll get good response on chapters but whatever.

Yours Nyraa.

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