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I know that the last part of this could not be real but who cares about it.
In Wattpad everything is possible baby.

"Where am i" I slowly get up hearing a woman's voice singing a melody, a desperate yet calm one.

I find myself in my old house, the one where i lived before marrying Axel. It's the mother's room that dad never let anyone go in.

I look behind me and see the beautiful woman in her late 20' that was singing. She had a white dress, it looked like a simple wedding dress, but it was all ripped and had blood stains in it.

She would caress a little black kitten looking out the window and singing. I unconsciously started to slowly head towards her, but I stopped in my tracks when realization hit me.

She is my mother, Lilith. I remember seeing her face on a painting dad moved years ago from the hallway when I was 5.

She's got the same dark eyes, and the same red lips. With her beautiful black hair wich were down, I noticed she had a bridal crown on.

Oh fuck where am I, what is she doing here and who is she? My mother died the day of the wedding. How the fuck am I seeing her now.

I think I need to go see a psychiatrist and quit drinking.

She got up and carefully put the kid on the chair. Then she looked towards me, oh god i'm gonna hyperventilate.

"It's so nice to see you again,Ashley." She says smiling and comkng towards me.

I back up trying to stay calm. I vividly remember coming back home after I was at the club and Lili checking on me. How the hell did I finish here...

"Please don't be scared, I bdg you i'm not going to harm you. Just let me give you a hug." She says and a tear flows from her left cheek.

I let her come near and before hugging me she says something under her breath and pulls me in her embrace.
I'm not sure of who this woman is but this hug was exactly what my inner child was begging to get. I started crying and dig my head in her neck, slowly loosing strenght we sit on the florr still maintaining the hug.

"I've missed you so much, my little daughter, you have grown so much. It pains me that I never got to be beside you." She says and on that moment I am sure that she was Lilith Blaize, the mother who died when me and Noah were just newborns.

She cups my face with her hands and I get to see her whole face. The beautiful dark eyes i got from her. That mole on my collarbone it's the exact same she's got.

"Listen here sweetie, I don't have much time left. Know that I will always be protecting you with my soul. Don't be so cold towards others,don't make the same mistake i did.
Let that man who you are tied with be present in your life, he's a good one. There may be conflicts but you two complete eachother." She says taking my hands in hers.

"I-i- don't know what to think right now honestly." I manage to say and she smiles planting a kiss on my forehead.

She was gonna say something when a strange being interrupted in our conversation. He had a black vest but for some reason i couldn't see his face, it was like it was forbidden. Mother sighed and helped me get up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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