Changes on the Horizon

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The sound of the rain tapping on the banana leaves and palm fronds overhead was welcoming, gratifying. It lulled them, soothed them, made them more receptive to each other and communication. They'd had no idea it was going to rain, as the clouds had rolled in after dark. They were having a conversation by the light of the waves about moving into the community. Verbally tip-toeing around each other, they wanted to be careful not to sway or influence the other because each wanted the other to be happy and feel free to express themselves. They were gradually realizing it really didn't matter if they stayed here or moved. Not knowing what might come of it, each of them strove toward an important factor, and that was keeping the peace. Being open and trusting of each other had to have priority. If both were content, nothing else held much significance.

Louis had been aloof and enigmatic from the start, but he was losing more of that every day, to Harry's delight. Not only about moving, but his attitude in general was more open and he was much less defensive. Harry felt he was finally starting to see the authentic Louis, and he wanted more peeks behind the curtain. He didn't want to probe, however. It was a fine line to tread.

Harry was feeling romantic. He couldn't help it. The rain, the atmosphere, Louis' receptive demeanor . . .

They were staring again as they talked about the possibility of moving. Cerulean blue gazing into seafoam green. Louis held Harry's gaze effortlessly. He was getting better at that too. Louis had toyed with the idea of closing the hut door, but that would have muted what little light they had. At the moment, the breeze carried the rain in the opposite direction.

"What about Adam?" Harry spoke up.

"I dunno. Do you think maybe he's harmless?" asked Louis, and a ghost of a sardonic smile touched his lips.

"I wish I could answer that."

Louis sat Indian style and rested his palm in his hand, elbow resting on his thigh. He brushed an unruly lock of hair back out of his eyes with the other hand as he sat on his bed. Harry also sat on Louis' bed; they faced each other, and there was no tension present. Harry felt this was a positive sign.

"I think one reason we're so leery of him is because he's so big. Another is that he's gruff and doesn't fancy talkin' much," Louis said as if he were thinking aloud. "But, truth of it is, I really don't know. I would think Robert and Amy would have at least warned us if there was anythin' to worry about."

"Good point. We could always move back here if he gave us any trouble," suggested Harry.

"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure we'd win the race if he chased after us. I can see him lurchin' about, tripping over his own feet, and not really gettin' anywhere."

They had been debating and weighing the pros and cons of moving, and as of this point, the pros were way out in the lead. Safety in numbers, people nearby should there be sickness or injury, and being able to socialize at their discretion, as they'd have their own hut, and could retire to it any time they wanted. It all sounded ideal, but they wouldn't truly know until they'd moved and been there for at least a short period of time.

At the end of an hour and a half, they agreed to at least try living with the community, but also strictly retaining their independence. Fiercely, Louis had emphasized, causing them both to chuckle. Yes, their heads were in the same place. Harry certainly knew how strongly Louis felt about it. And he was almost as adamant as Louis except for the fact that he was naturally more friendly and social. Nevertheless, it was apparent by now that they preferred each other's company. The only thing bothering Harry was not being able to wash in the spring together every morning, naked. He couldn't express this to Louis, however, feeling Louis would take it the wrong way; but it had always been special to Harry, as it was their ritual, a routine, a set part of every day, and he had always looked forward to it. What would happen when that was taken away from them?

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