The Truth Revealed

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Things didn't change after the day Louis had discovered Harry kissing Tristan. Louis did not speak to Harry unless there was dire need, and Harry wore sadness like a cloak wherever he went. They still did things together so as to give the impression of normalcy, but there might as well have been miles between them. Louis was only trying to keep up appearances for Harry's sake, but he was so wrapped up in his despair that he was oblivious to everyone's curious, sympathetic glances. Harry, being naturally able to read people, knew they were fooling no one.

Adam, it was clear, had seen the rigidity between them, and was looking for an opportunity to get Harry alone. This caused Louis much consternation as he strove to keep constant tabs on both Harry and Adam. Adam was never obvious, but very surreptitious. As a result Louis' stress level was sky high.

At mealtimes, Harry talked to Kricket, and Louis kept mostly to himself. He did always remember to thank Amy for the meals, while Harry actively helped with distributing the food. He tried to stay busy and maintain a semblance of his typical behavior whereas Louis just didn't really seem to care what anyone thought.

Emily cast sidelong glances at Harry, but sensed there was trouble of some kind. Harry was not the same bubbly, outgoing young man he'd been. He seemed somehow subdued. She also took note that Harry and Louis were no longer playing volley ball. She could sense the tension between them. Tristan still played, although she also noticed he didn't spend time with Harry like he used to. She hadn't been privy to conversations or gossip among the community because she didn't spend enough time with them to find out that there was unease between Harry and Louis, but to her it was obvious anyway. And to make it even more complicated, that also seemed to extend somehow to Tristan.

Harry felt as if he was dragging a ball and chain around with him all day, every day. His heart must have been misshapen, as it didn't seem to beat properly, and twinged every time Louis' eyes dodged his gaze. Nights were even worse torture, as Louis was so close to him with their beds being pushed up against each other. Louis was less than two feet away all night long, and Harry was hyper aware that he had only to roll once in order to end up pressed up tight against Louis. He was in a near panic as to why he needed Louis so much, and yearned to touch him. Being aware of this fact constantly made his entire body ache, and a sob to catch in his throat. It was as if he had a disease that there was no cure for.

Louis, on the other hand, kept it all inside. His face did not show the dejection that Harry's face did when they were alone in the hut at night. Harry felt things so deeply in his soul that he was not able to maintain a poker face as Louis could. There were plenty of signs though, that Louis was not the same. He had tried to smile sincerely when around the others, and not being successful, had given it up. He felt his face must be frozen into rigid plastic.

They didn't go to the hill anymore. No one did – not even Tristan. It was as if they didn't want the reminder. Hurt existed on all sides, but each was focused somewhere specific. Harry focused on Louis' evident hurt, Tristan felt bad for both of them, feeling he carried the blame for all this, and Louis just tried to remain neutral – or look that way anyway, even though on the inside he was anything but. He tried to tamp down his anger, his feeling of being betrayed. He still could not understand why he felt that way, when Harry didn't need to answer to him or anyone else.

Tristan did not shy away from Savannah. He couldn't afford to. If he wanted romance with her, he would have to win her over, and soon he would be ready to kiss her the way Harry had taught him. He was grateful to Harry and felt he owed him, although he had no idea how to pay him back. Harry would hardly look at him, and Tristan didn't doubt for a minute that was because Louis was onto them. He felt like a disgrace. They should have found a more obscure place for the kissing lessons, and he mentally kicked himself for not being more discreet. They hadn't been cautious enough, and now they were all paying the piper for it. His guilt ran deep and left Tristan no clue of how to rectify anything.

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