The Lagoon's Magic

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It was here, on the top of the hill that Louis and Harry filled in more blanks about their histories. Harry's sweet wholesome look fisted Louis' heart as Harry told him about his childhood, school days and early crushes on other boys that he was not bashful about disclosing.

Even though they'd lived together for months, Harry's good humor and boyish nature were proving more irresistible all the time. He was not opposed to being above-board. Louis felt defenseless in the face of it. He wanted to be candid in the worst way, but he didn't feel quite secure enough to spill all to Harry.

Louis didn't reveal a fraction as much as Harry did, much to Harry's disappointment. There seemed to be holes in Louis' history, and he didn't raise the subject of dating at all. Harry knew he had to be hiding something, or simply just didn't want to discuss certain things. Harry had hoped Louis trusted him enough to confide in him, but it seemed that wasn't the case – or at least, not yet. Harry tried not to take offense, knowing that Louis was the type that didn't easily open up.

"Sometimes I feel like they're talkin' about us behind our backs," Louis spurted to sidetrack Harry from the fact that he hadn't revealed nearly as much as Harry had. Harry had been in the midst of fastening his eyes on the sunbeam of Louis' hair. Like dark spun gold . . . the way it did in front of their hut when the sun filtered through the leaves, sprinkling dapples on it, making it glint almost as bright as Louis' bewitching eyes. Harry's breath became shallow and tight. He lost all focus.

"Who is talkin' about us?"

"The community, who else?" Louis looked quite irritated at Harry's lack of attentiveness.

"They can't get your goat if they don't know where you tied it," Harry responded. Louis had just been having thoughts about Harry that were more than gratifying, so he was brought up short, caught blindsided, still wrapped up in his musings and forgetting what they'd been discussing. So they'd both been sidetracked, and neither one was aware of it.

"Well, I know they aren't really tryin' to get your goat," Harry corrected himself. "They're not like that. They're just inquisitive and maybe even a little meddlesome at times, but they mean no harm."

Thank God Harry had clarified the conversation and brought Louis gently back to the present – not plucking him cold out of a Harry-inspired fantasy.

It was true Amy had come by their hut every couple of days to ask if there was anything they needed or wanted. She tried to mother them. But she was totally innocuous, even if she did try to inconspicuously peek into their hut if the door was open.  It was natural to be curious.

"I know that. But sometimes I wonder what they do, truly think about us."

"And I thought I was the insecure, paranoid one," Harry teased.

"I'm not paranoid or insecure," Louis practically lashed out. He felt pangs of guilt over what he'd just been pondering, and resentful of how he'd been tugged out of his fantasies. It had only been flashes behind his eyes. Sensual ones, to be sure, but he hadn't consciously called on them – they'd just intruded without invitation.

"Why so defensive?" The meek, almost demure look in Harry's wide eyes brought on even more guilt, Harry's perfectly shaped lips glistening because he'd just licked them. A hint of a dimple teased Louis' libido mercilessly. How could Harry be so mild and unobtrusive, yet every inch a sexy man? He inspired a sense of well-being, but he also did something to Louis that was shamefully debauched, and he did it without having any knowledge of it.

"I was just . . . . thinkin'. Sorry I jumped on you."

"What about?"

Oh, now he'd really blown it. How could he possibly explain his carnal thoughts to Harry? Louis struggled to think of a lie, but immediately hated himself for even attempting a fib. Harry didn't deserve that.

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