Making up and Party Time!

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Louis walked into their shared hut, or rather slunk into it. He was ashamed of himself. Harry had not deserved his sharp words and arrogant insults. He had no right.

"Listen mate," he started right in when he saw Harry sitting on the floor, looking like he'd lost his best friend, when, indeed, he probably thought he had. Before he could freak out and lose his nerve, Louis went straight to the point.

"I thought about it, and I didn't give you enough of a chance to explain . . ."

Harry looked up at him listlessly. A few moments dragged by. "Doesn't matter," he said quietly.

Now, this was not like Harry. It was as if he'd given up. He was more than discouraged – he looked extremely sorrowful and melancholy.

"Hey, I'm serious," Louis sat down next to Harry, laying a large leaf down on the ground that he took from the bed, as Harry had done.

Harry's eyes, though glum, showed a spark of curiosity. "Why? Why all of a sudden are you willin' to listen? He asked.

"I should've been willin' to listen before, but I thought about it, knew you'd never lied to me, and there was no reason for you to start now."

Louis had no idea why it was so difficult for him to say those words. Probably because he'd had very little practice at being humble. Silence seemed to surround and submerge them like a thick mist.

"I'm sorry." Louis hung his head because he really was guilt-ridden.

"So you believe me?" Harry asked, long after Louis thought he wasn't going to speak.

"Yeah, I do. I did a lotta thinkin' while walkin' back here. The whole thing sounds ridiculous, but then again, I know you, and I just can't see you makin' up a story like that."

"There was only one kissin' lesson," Harry explained. "We weren't gonna do it again."

"I believe you. I feel massively raw about it."

Harry began to relax then. Louis watched his shoulders loosen up first, followed by other muscles, one by one.

"I saw you guys. I went to the hill lookin' for you and stumbled across you two. I left quick so you wouldn't see me.

Understanding flooded Harry's face and he sighed. "Wish I'd never done it now."

"I'm not gonna say I'm happy about it, but at least Tristan might make headway with Savannah," Louis said. "I'm just very sorry I wouldn't listen to you." Regret hung heavy in Louis' words.

Harry digested this silently. Then he made up his mind and spoke up. "Um . . . I need to ask you sommat," he said shyly.

"I'll give you as honest an answer as I can," Louis said sincerely. He owed Harry that.

"Why . . . why did you get so upset over it? And why did you ask me how I could do that to you?"

Louis, for some reason, had not been expecting these particular questions. He should have if he'd been prepared. If he answered them truthfully, the secret would be out. His stomach clenched, and he realized in that moment that it was time, at last, for the truth. The truth he'd held back all this time. The truth he'd hidden from Harry.

Sitting here in the warm, gratifying sun as it shone through their window, looking out on the breathtaking blue ocean, breathing in the salty air and loving this satisfying life as they had it right now, Louis hoped he wasn't making a terrible mistake. He looked down at the sand on the floor of their hut, playing with words in his head. He might as well be blunt because there was no other way to say it.

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