Breaking the Ice

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"Wait a minute! Louis isn't gay . . ." Harry's eyes widened as if he'd seen a ghost.

Tristan's words had astonished uplifted Harry and  given him heart. Sooner or later, he hoped fervently, he and Louis' beds would be pushed up against each other again. He would bide his time and hope Louis would swallow his pride. That had been his plan. But now . . . what Tristan had said . . .

"He's gay, Harry," Tristan recited soberly.

"Come on, what are you onto?" Harry couldn't believe his ears.

"I've known lots of gay guys, and Louis is trippin' about it, I'm sure, but he's gay."

"Trippin' about it?"

"Yeah. Because for some reason, he doesn't want you to know, and I think he's shook that he's fired up by you."

Harry was dumbfounded. Tristan knew, yet it hadn't dawned on him. He wasn't sure what his aspiration had been, but he'd apparently been subconsciously trying to come on to Louis.  Or maybe not so subconsciously. Hoping something might happen – that Louis might somehow magically become gay.

"You're sure?

"One hundred percent," Tristan nodded his head firmly and decisively.

"Why didn't he tell me?" There was profound hurt in Harry's voice, and Tristan took pity on him.

"I told you – for some reason he doesn't want you to know."

"Because he finds me repulsive?"

Tristan let go of a loud laugh. "Harry, you're crackin' me up. Repulsive? The way he looks at you? Not a chance, bro."

There was a lot for Harry to think about now. Everything was different.


As time stretched, Tristan and Kricket became a regular part of their day. Louis made up games with small rocks, sticks, vines or whatever was available, and let ideas come to him. The four of them would play the games and laugh, completely carefree.

Tristan and Harry seemed to have a special connection. Not one like what Louis and Harry had, but their bond was nonetheless remarkable. Louis would often see them laughing with their heads thrown back, throwing inoffensive insults at each other. They were obviously very much at ease with each other.

A couple of times Louis detected a slight sting of jealousy in himself, but then Harry and Tristan would run up to him on the sand, and Harry would throw himself down next to Louis, right in his personal space, their legs touching, and Louis would know that any trace of jealousy was utterly ridiculous. Harry was devoted to him, and he was perfectly justified in having another close friend.

Robert had decided the huts would not have wood floors as he had fancied. Making them straight and smooth wasn't feasible, as he didn't have the tools he needed, so they would have to settle for sand floors. Didn't matter since they were accustomed to it anyway. He did, however, begin making a couple of tables to go with the chairs, and Harry and Louis helped him as did Tristan. They also constructed a volley ball court, the net being made of vines. A volley ball had washed up on the sand one day, and inspired their idea. Louis, Harry and Kricket were on one side, and Savannah, Robert and Amy on the other. They switched partners often, as Robert and Amy, being a little older, could not play as long and fast as the youngsters.

Harry would watch Louis play, and as his athletic friend would jump and run, his thick thighs and tight abs bunching before hitting the ball, Harry couldn't force himself to look away. Louis threw himself into the game wholeheartedly, and didn't know Harry scrutinized his every move, his eyes glued on every muscle. They'd had to cut a couple of pairs of sweats to make them into shorts and tank tops because of the heat, and now Harry's eyes could enjoy more of Louis' body. The days continued to become warmer, with more humidity, and it seemed they were nearing November. They began to get their chores done early so they could relax in the shade in the heat of the day.

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