A Chance to Right the Wrong

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Louis tramped on, not looking back, ignoring everyone he came across. Being in a kind of daze where exasperation kept oozing through, he walked along the beach, not wanting to go back to the hut, or God forbid, the hill. He needed a clear head – he needed clarity, he needed to understand the way of it all. He wished he could get away, forget everything; start over on this island. It was too late now – he was in too deep. For the millionth time, he tried to examine why he was so disproportionately upset over this, but kept attempting to shove it into the back of his mind. He knew. He knew why. He just didn't want to face it.

He kept walking without hearing, seeing or sensing anything outside of his own mind. He knew he couldn't run from it forever, but for now he could just dismiss everything . . . but no, he couldn't. Harry would give him no peace. Even when not present, Harry's face kept popping up in his mind. Those eyes that were somewhere between mint and seafoam color, those damn deep, charming dimples that haunted him and the gentle expression. He heard Harry's voice too. That slow and easy baritone that was so soothing, it could put you to sleep to some blissful dreams. His colorful personality though, was what attracted Louis the most. Harry's very essence had spread through the community here. There wasn't a person here who wasn't enamored with him. Even Adam. Adam, who seemed to have no soul was clearly infatuated with him.

When Louis' mind went to Bruce, it was with true reluctance. Never thinking of him again was ideal, but Louis couldn't help comparing him to Harry. Bruce was selfish – he was always chasing satisfaction for himself, his ultimate goal. Harry was worlds away from the likes of Bruce. Unlike Bruce, he didn't charm people purposely; it was just integral to him. It just happened. He didn't try to gain popularity or respect by being deceitfully charming. He did it by genuinely caring for people, and the charm was just part of it, not planned. Louis had never known anyone like him. There was no agenda with Harry. He was wild, untamed, spontaneous and organic. Yet innocence clung to him. He was fetching and flirtatious. His very innocence was sexy.

Bruce was charming too, but only on the surface. He was always the life of the party, and people flocked to him. Underneath, he was wicked and evil. He had led Louis on. Knowing Louis had fallen in love with him, he'd pretended to love Louis in return. But Bruce was too hung up on himself to truly love another.

Bruce had assumed too much. He'd been too complacent and smug. He'd enjoyed the company of other men, oblivious to the hurt he brought Louis. Carefree and reckless, he had stepped over the line one too many times. He'd lost Louis, and then could not accept it. Perhaps that was one reason Louis had gotten into his plane on that day with no plans, and just kept going – something he'd never done before. It was all coming together now. Louis had not worried about running out of gas, which was so unlike him. Perhaps he'd been on a mission to destroy himself without even knowing it.

Bruce had hurt him so deeply that he hadn't really cared about anything anymore. Louis had opened up to Bruce, had trusted him, and in the end, Louis came out as a cynical, bitter man who trusted no one. And now – how had he allowed it? Harry was doing him the same way. And just when he was learning to trust Harry. Would he ever learn?

Immersed deeply in these thoughts, Louis didn't notice Harry falling into step with him. When he noticed him out of the corner of his eye, he jumped sideways, away from Harry, jolted from his reflections with no warning. As he tried to get his breath back, Harry spoke up.

"I'm sorry if I startled you. I need to talk to you. All I ask for is a chance." Harry's buttery smooth voice with the rich texture of hot chocolate that somehow also held a rough edge was a most alluring blend. It was so unusual, just like Harry himself.

Louis felt the heat building into an inferno burning in his chest. How could Harry be so frivolous? As if Louis would just agree to talk to him, listen to him after what he'd seen? As if it was no big deal?

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