The Class

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Ed was bummed knowing he probally won't get to see his new hall crush again after saying goodbye, but he had something new to look forward to, his class. As the kids were coming in Ed made sure to look at them all seductively and licking his lips so they knew he was available at break. When all the students were in the classroom he got them to do a warmup activity by introducing themselves, Ed went first.

"Hey class I'm Mr. Sheeran, but you can call me Ed when it's just us." Ed said looking at all the students biting his lip.

After all the students were done sharing their names and hobbies Ed asked one of the students to stay after class for a few minutes during break.

"Mr sheeran I know you asked me to stay but can I also invite my friend I just need to help them catch up on some work." His student Shrek mentioned looking at him the triangle way.

"Of course shrek but you can call me Ed, it's just us" Ed said unbuttoning his shirt even more than it was before.

"Ofcource Ed," shrek said getting closer to Ed.

Ed locked the door and then they did the shalalalalalala

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