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Ed was arrested only minutes later after the call and was being brought to the police station.

"Bring him to the west wing cell." The police officers told the one holding him in handcuffs.
West? Ed didn't know what direction that was and knew he would never be able to escape.

After what felt like forever of walking Ed finally got thrown into a cell and got a change of a bright orange tracksuit to change into. Everybody there had their own cell except for him. Everybody at the jail looked related. And when it was time to introduce themselves to him they all said their name was Vector.

"That's a really weird fucking name" Ed said pissed he was in jail.

"You might not want to say that." A familiar voice said from behind him. It was shrek.

After a few hours of doing nothing In prison Ed decided to try to talk to shrek.

"Long time no see huh" Ed looked shrek up and down.

"Bitch who the fuck are you get away" shrek said pushing ed away from him.

"Dont you remember me? We were at the same school, I was your teacher" Ed said desperately.

"Oh damn that was you who was teacher my son?" This was shrek. This was shreks mom. "I didn't expect you to look like this" mama ogre said.

"Oh no that was my friend lolol idk ur kid lmao" Ed tried to fix his mistake but it was too soon.

Shortly after Ed was in the hospital on his death bed.

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