The Shiny Head

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Ed sheeran realized that it was time for his student to go to his next class since they had gone through all break, Ed had a spare next so he could do some grading, prep for next period, etc, but he couldn't stop thinking about his hallway crush. Couldn't stop thinking about his shiny bald head, the strong muscles through his sleeves, and something about the way that he pushed that janitor cart through the halls.

"Thanks Ed I'll be seeing you later," shrek said licking his lips and putting his clothes back onto his sweaty green body. "I can already feel my abs coming in"

"Dont forget to shut the door shrek," Ed said putting his phone number into shreks iPod mini.

Ed first half of his new elementary school job teacher grade 4 was a success. So instead of grading papers and planning new lessons, he decided to go on a walk and look for his favorite co worker.

After wandering the halls for what seemed like 10 years, Ed found Veritbaly wandering back to his janitor storage closet.

Before Veritably could shut the door behind him Ed put his lightning McQueen croc in the doorway.

Veritably didn't realize who was there at first and said "looking for something?"

"You.." Ed said leaning on the door way and shutting the door behind him.

"Oh its you.." Veritably said getting closer to Ed than he had expected him too, putting his hand around his neck.

"Can I call you Mr clean," Ed asked licking his shiny head.

"Of course Eddy" Mr clean said getting down on his knees and before he could lock the door someone knocked.

They heared a muffled "hello" through the door. Ed went to go hide behind the mops and brooms while Mr clean answered the door. The person who answered the door was Mr gru, the vice principle of the school, if he found out Ed was here he would be fired again.

"Who's pants are those on the ground." Mr gru asked. " and where are the gorls."

Ed Sheeran × Mr Clean Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora