Bye bye ed

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Ed was waiting for any of his family to show up and wish him goodbye but then he remembered he killed them lmao when he couldn't afford food because hooters doesn't pay that much.

"Guess this is it" Ed said reaching for the plug. Then he remembered that he saved up enough money from robbing banks and hid It in his safe in the basement of his house where he kept all of his canned peaches to afford the surgery he needed. If only he could get out of here.

The nurse walked in wearing a sexy red hat but then realized it wasn't a nurse and it was angry bird. What a shame.

"Good thing u ended up in jail lmao u deserve to get beaten up. I just wanted to say Goodluck in hell you'll need it lolol." Angry bird said finally happy for once.

"I don't need luck, I have an offer" Ed told angry bird about how if he went to his safe in his basement and got the money out of it to pay for Ed surgery he could have the rest. Ed was hoping he wouldn't have to give angry bird much but then remembered he had 300 billion dollars. What a shame. Angry bird said "sure" and ran out to Ed's house asap.

Just then the lorax from Ed's elementary school got sharted out of the toilet and then walked over to Ed's bed. "This may be illegal but I'm not from here so like I can do this" the lorax said pulling the plug on Ed. "Oopsie"

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