The Dream

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Ed woke up from his dream realizing none of this was real. Or was it? He went downstairs to check the Date on his handy dandy calendar beside his one person table and chair for just him because he's lonely af. It's the first day of school, how could this be? Did he imagine all of this? Was he going crazy? Did he predict his whole day? Ed went to school confused and waited in his classroom.

A knock came from the door and then he noticed it was the person from his dream, Veritiably Clean. "Sorry I'm just cleaning the desks for the students this morning someone had the flu last week in here. Your new aren't you?" Mr clean asked.


"outrageous! Ugh! I'm so done with you Veritably I know about you and Mr gru I was there I saw you!" Ed said furious.

"How do you know about that?" Mr clean said confused and mad.

Ed stormed away and went to the principles office to tell Mrs Dora explorer the real principle about what he saw.

He knocked on the door and heard a "what the fuck do you bitchless assholes want now"

"Hello Mrs Dora I would like to make a noise complaint" Ed said

"Whatever write it on the complaint board over there" Mrs dora said pointing to a board across the room.

"Oh no no you'll want to hear this one directly" Ed said smirking.

"Do I though? No I don't. Scram." Dora said annoyed pointing to the door.

"What about the janitors supply closet?" Ed said.

"Sit downs it down pumpkin I would love to hear the tea sugar plum."Dora said.

As Ed was telling Mrs Dora about Mr clean and Mr gru the vice principle hooking up she was astonished and mentioned the part where they put cameras in there for safety reasons. Ed knew he was safe since it was only a dream and he wasn't there. Except. He was? 

Ed Sheeran × Mr Clean Where stories live. Discover now