Chapter 2: Adoption Certificate

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/17/2024


Chapter 2: Adoption Certificate


As Ning Xiaobei leaned against the door lost in thought, watching his grandmother's receding figure in the alleyway, a sweet meow of a cat echoed from underfoot, followed by a fluffy little creature rubbing against his skinny ankle.


Looking down at the orange ball of fur at his feet, Ning Xiaobei joyfully clapped his hands, bending down to pick it up.

The cat stared at its young master with a pair of brown, crystal-like eyes full of affection, and kept rubbing its head against Ning Xiaobei's chin.

"Azi" was a small orange cat that his father had begged from the neighbors two blocks away. Old houses like theirs all had mice, so almost every household kept cats.

After their old cat "Xiao Mi" died, there was a plague of mice in the house for a while. The camphorwood chest on the second floor with his grandmother was gnawed with a big hole, and her satin fabrics, stored for who knows how many years, were all chewed through. Desperate, she urged her son to go out and ask for a cat to protect the house.

When this little orange cat first came to their home, it was only the size of a palm and had just stopped nursing.

Interestingly, the night this kitten arrived at their home, the "clustering" sounds that had been circling around the rafters all disappeared. At that time, the cat didn't even know how to walk properly. Grandma said that the "Lao Chong or old bugs" (mice) smelled the scent of the cat in the house and dared not cause trouble anymore.

Not to mention a few years later, Azi had become an expert in the mouse-catching industry, relying on its excellent skills to become unbeatable in the nearby alleys, becoming the little overlord among cats in the area.

At first, the cat inherited its predecessor's name, called "Ami". Shortly after, when the TV started airing the animated series "The Smurfs", there was always an orange cat by the side of the antagonist Gargamel, named "Azrael". That mischievous cartoon cat looked exactly like Ami, so Xiaobei gave this little orange cat a new and stylish name.

"This dream is just too good, even you appear in it," Xiaobei said, holding the cat in his arms. He rubbed its soft, shiny fur from top to bottom with his left hand, making the little cat purr contentedly.

If dreaming of Grandma was understandable, then dreaming of the cat he had raised in childhood was truly astonishing to Xiaobei.

He remembered it was the summer of 2000.

Just as he and his father bid farewell to the old house and got on the moving truck to go to the new house, Azi, whom he held in his arms, suddenly screamed and jumped out of the car window, darting back to the already deserted and messy old alley.

He and his father immediately got out of the car and chased after it, searching for it for a long time but found nothing.

In the following week, he returned here several times, trying to find Azi among the ruins of bricks and tiles, but ultimately found nothing.

Later, bulldozers and excavators entered the alley, and it became a construction site with yellow lines drawn, and he could never go in again.

He remembered his father saying at the time, "They say 'dogs are loyal, cats are treacherous', they go wherever there is food, heartless and unfaithful."

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