Chapter 16: Breaking Up of Brothers

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/24/2024


Chapter 16: Breaking Up of Brothers

"Is this mountain the highest in the world?"

"Heh, haha!"

"Or is there another place higher than the sky?"

"Hoo, haha!"

In the taxi, the radio played the theme song of a martial arts TV series sung by Luo Wen and Zhen Ni. The driver, Master Guo, shook his head and swayed to the rhythm, even joining in with the "hoo-hoo" and "ha-ha" from the song.

"Dad of Xiaobei, why did you suddenly want to go to Sheshan today?"

Master Guo glanced at Ning Jianguo and his son sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, laughing until his double chin showed.

"It's a day off, the weather is nice, so I decided to take the kid out for some fun. Today, we're bothering Master Guo to take us there and back."

"Where are you talking about? I hardly ever get these long-distance fares. It's always traffic jams in the city. You breathe in fumes all day and barely earn enough for the initial fare. What's the point? Going to Sheshan is good, the air is fresh in the countryside. When you go to Suzhou, remember to let me pick you up too. We're old neighbors; we should take care of each other."

These days, there isn't a subway to Sheshan. The distance from the city to there by taxi is no different from a trip to Hongqiao Airport. Round trip, it costs at least a hundred yuan. Master Guo could earn money and do a favor at the same time, so why not?

Ning Xiaobei insisted that Fan Xia had gone to "study martial arts on the mountain". The two adults were half-believing and half-doubting, deciding to try and find out.

Once out of the city, the car sped along, with barren trees flashing past on both sides.

The outskirts in the cold winter were desolate, with small cottages of local farmers and vast fields along the roadside. At this time, the suburbs were not like the future, where skyscrapers would dominate everywhere, hardly distinguishable from the city.

Zhao Jingwen sat silently in the passenger seat, fists clenched tight. He didn't look like he was out for a countryside excursion; rather, he seemed ready for a fight.

Master Guo had been driving a taxi for many years and was an experienced old hand. Sensing that something was amiss in the car, he immediately turned off the radio and drove calmly, observing quietly.

"Xiao Bei, are you so sure he went to Sheshan?"

Ning Jianguo, sitting in the back, asked his son with his head lowered.

Ning Xiaobei nodded.

"A few days ago, Fan Xia asked me if I knew there was a mountain in Shanghai where there are all snakes. Just like Snake Island in 'Duke of Mount Deer'. He also said that you could see the stars on the mountain, much more spectacular than in the city. It's a 'magical place'."

Ning Jianguo listened with a bewildered expression.

Ning Xiaobei replied softly, "Later, I found out that it was the 'Chang Jiao (Long Legs)' from the next class who went to visit the Shanghai Observatory on Sheshan with his family over the weekend and came back boasting to Fan Xia. Fan Xia, being semi-literate, misunderstood 'Sheshan' as 'Snake Mountain (Yushan)'. He thought it was some extraordinary place."

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