Chapter 71: Island Encounter

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/30/2024


Chapter 71: Island Encounter

Fortunately, their luck wasn't too bad. After walking for about five minutes or so, they arrived at a place resembling the center of a town.

Sure enough, just as Fan Xia described, there were hotels, guesthouses, and several shops still open, making it quite lively.

They walked along the cement road, gradually becoming sheltered from the weakening downpour. Behind them, a neon sign that once read "Hair Salon and Beauty Parlor" now flickered on the wall, missing an arm and a leg. Through the glass door, pink lights and bursts of laughter could be seen.

"Little brother, come take a look at me."

A blurry-faced woman stood under the revolving light of the barber shop, waving at them. Curiously, Ding Zheyang turned his head, only to widen his eyes in terror. As for what he saw exactly, Ding Zheyang swore he'd never tell.

"Let's go in here."

Fan Xia pointed to a guesthouse on their right, named "Pink Memories".

Whether it was pink or light blue memories, Ning Xiaobei didn't care. All he wanted now was to take a hot shower and go to sleep. So he followed Fan Xia inside.

Upon entering, they found themselves in an internet café.

Dozens of young people with headphones were watching movies or playing games. The colorful light from the screens cast onto their tired yet excited faces, and no one noticed their entrance.

The three soaked individuals hastily retreated and turned towards another glass door. It turned out that the guesthouse and the internet café shared the same entrance.

"Give us a three-person room."

Fan Xia, seeming quite experienced, spoke in the local Chongming dialect to the woman slumped over the front desk, wearing a green military coat and dozing off. Under her feet was a space heater emitting an orange-red glow.

The so-called front desk was a small wooden counter, about three feet square. On the countertop sat a red telephone, next to which stood a sign crookedly inscribed with the words: "Phone calls, two yuan per minute, no lending allowed."

On the wall behind the counter hung a price list for accommodations: standard rooms, queen rooms, and three-person rooms, with the most expensive one costing only 50 yuan per night.

Next to the price list was a notice from the police, clearly stating in bold letters: "Guests must present ID for registration." It was signed with the phone number of their local police station and the name of the contact officer.

Adjacent to this were piles of assorted items in disarray, along with cigarettes, alcohol, cola, and various unnamed snacks, including instant noodles. The gray walls were adorned with crisscrossing electrical wires resembling a spider's web. In short, one could tell from the front desk alone that this guesthouse was rather run-down.

"Fan Xia, let's find another place..."

Surveying the surroundings, Ding Zheyang pulled down the hem of Fan Xia's clothes with a disdainful look on his face, whispering, "Actually, I have money with me. Let's find a better place to stay."

"Ah, you don't understand. This place is fine."

"There's no three-person room available, only a standard room. Will that do?"

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