Chapter 69: Setting Off Again

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/30/2024


Chapter 69: Setting Off Again

After returning to school, Ning Xiaobei and Fan Xia immediately headed to the infirmary to treat their wounds.

Fan Xia's injury was just a scrape, so a simple bandage would suffice. However, Ning Xiaobei's swelling returned once the effect of the allergy medicine wore off. Seeing his miserable condition, the nurse at the infirmary hurriedly called 120 and sent him to the town hospital for intravenous therapy.

At that time, Gu Kaige was still in the botanical garden with a group of students, enjoying canned meat and singing songs, completely carefree. However, he was scolded by the duty teacher over the phone and ordered to immediately go to the town hospital to accompany the students.

Originally, the headmaster wanted to call Ning Jianguo, but Ning Xiaobei stopped him, saying he didn't want to worry his family. Besides, he felt much better after the IV drip, so the headmaster relented.

After all, he also felt that fewer problems were better than more.

"Next Monday, when the principal and your grade director come, you explain it to them yourself. Teacher Gu is unreliable. How could you follow him... and Teacher Peng, why did he join in the nonsense? Luckily, nothing happened to the children. If something had happened, how could our school explain it to others?"

Gu Kaige and Peng Yue stood in the hospital corridor, both lowering their heads like two problem students being scolded by their teacher. They didn't resemble teachers at all.

The town hospital was not large, and quite a few people were coming for treatment on the weekend. The locals around them looked on with interest. Women holding children laughed and pointed at them, almost taking out sunflower seeds to eat while watching the show.

It wasn't until the headmaster stormed off with his hands behind his back, wearing slippers because he was too impatient to put on shoes, that the two men finally breathed a sigh of relief together.

"Gu Kaige, stay away from me in the future. Annoying," Peng Yue said coldly to Gu Kaige, carrying his sketchboard, and then walked away without mercy.

"Ah..." Gu Kaige sighed deeply, holding his head and squatting at the door of the injection room.

"Oh no..." Ning Xiaobei lay on the recliner, his left hand hanging with an IV drip, hearing everything clearly from outside.

So, this Teacher Gu and Teacher Peng had such a relationship?

Was today's grand outing just a cover for their date, or was it all just Gu Kaige's impulsive idea?

He wrinkled his nose and shook his head.

Forget it, his own family's issues still hadn't been resolved. He had no spare energy to deal with other people's affairs.


After returning from the botanical garden, Fan Xia didn't even have dinner. He plunged into a nearby internet cafe, starting to search for information on this topic. The more he read, the tighter his brow furrowed, and his already dark complexion became even more frightening.

He knew about this term, just like "sissy" and "hermaphrodite," all of which were previously considered insults by Fan Xia, with a slightly higher level of impact than just cursing.

Speaking of those three words, he couldn't help but think of the character in The Smiling, Proud Wanderer who, after castration, wholeheartedly longed for his "Lotus Brother," rejecting a group of beautiful wives and remaining a eunuch wearing skirts, the infamous Dongfang Bubai.

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