Chapter 78: SARS Strikes

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/30/2024


Chapter 78: SARS Strikes

Receiving a call from Xiaobei urging him to return to Shanghai, Zhao Jingwen, though puzzled, still followed his advice and booked his return flight. Many people from Hong Kong have been traveling to Shanghai for the Lunar New Year these past two years. He could only get a ticket for a week later, so he arrived home on the 28th.

Before he even stepped inside, Zhao Jingwen was sprayed all over his face with disinfectant by Fan Xia. Just as he was about to curse, a thermometer was shoved into his mouth by Ning Xiaobei.

"36.7 degrees, normal body temperature," said Ning Jianguo, looking at the thermometer with a serious expression.

The three of them wore masks, disposable shower caps usually worn when Ning Jianguo made meatballs, disposable gloves used for eating crayfish, and blue shoe covers. They were fully armed.

As they passed by, the neighbors looked over and chuckled.

"Xiaobei, Xiaoxia, what are you playing at again? Didn't you have enough fun smoking the whole building with vinegar yesterday?"

"Auntie, it's to prevent colds in winter. We do it at school too," Ning Xiaobei said, unable to mention anything about SARS, so he could only use flu prevention as an excuse.

Aunt Zhang and Aunt Tian covered their mouths and chuckled, "It's fine to smoke your own home, but who catches a cold and infects a whole building? It's just that Jianguo has a good temper and likes to mess around with the kids. Isn't that right, Xiaoxia?"

Fan Xia waved his hand at them—he didn't know what they were playing at, but since the boss insisted on it, he had to go along with it.

Zhao Jingwen was locked in Room 216, and not allowed to leave by Ning Jianguo. All his meals and drinks were delivered through the window. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, Ning Jianguo wouldn't open the door until he had stayed for a full seven days.

"Xiaobei, aren't we being too cautious?"

When they got home, Ning Jianguo didn't understand why his son was being so serious about it. It was just a rumor he heard at Auntie's little store. It was blown out of proportion. It would be difficult to resolve if nothing happened.

"Dad, make sure to lock up the vinegar in the cafeteria warehouse. There are a lot of workers in the cafeteria, so prepare more masks. Before students enter the cafeteria to eat, make sure they wash their hands first. Buy more Shanghai soap and alcohol, and stock up on alcohol cotton. It will come in handy."

As someone who had experienced two epidemics firsthand, Ning Xiaobei could only mobilize all the knowledge he had about epidemic prevention to fight against this epidemic.

Although Ning Jianguo didn't understand, he trusted his son's judgment after all these years and followed suit.

Soon, Ning Jianguo realized that his son wasn't exaggerating.

By January, rumors of a serious cold in Guangzhou in the south became more intense, with rumors saying that only vinegar and Banlangen could prevent this unnamed ailment.

Grandma Ning's small convenience store, not to mention white vinegar, rice vinegar, black vinegar, and aged vinegar were all sold out, and there was no time to restock the 84 disinfectant.

In the school cafeteria, cafeteria workers attempted to rummage through the warehouse for white vinegar, but even teachers and leaders would come over during meal breaks to ask Ning Jianguo if he had any spare white vinegar to take home.

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