Chapter 62: Visitors from Afar

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 03/29/2024


Chapter 62: Visitors from Afar

During the National Day holiday, Grandma Ning finally saw her long-lost grandson. Although Ning Xiaobei had already had his stitches removed, he was no longer wrapped in that striking white bandage. However, the series of crab-like wounds were enough to make Grandma feel distressed.

"Grandma, I'm fine. I'm not a girl. Besides, it's not like the injury is on my face, so it doesn't matter on my arm," Ning Xiaobei quickly reassured.

"No!," Grandma Ning and Fan Xia together exclaimed.

"In the future, when you go out into society, if people see scars on your arms, they'll think all sorts of things. They might think you're involved with gangs..." Grandma Ning glanced at the excited Fan Xia, then continued, "When I was young, I knew a doctor who could make a scar removal ointment. I'll ask around to see if he's still around..."

Wait, Grandma, gangs like that don't exist anymore. And the doctor you knew when you were young, whether he's still alive or not is a big question!

Before Ning Xiaobei could stop her, his grandmother leaned on her cane and walked steadily into the room.

"What are you making a fuss about?" Ning Xiaobei touched his scar and gave Fan Xia a disdainful look. "I think it's pretty good, it gives me a sense of masculinity."

The books all say, "Scars are the badges of a man."

His badge was about a foot long and quite substantial.

Ning Xiaobei had always felt that his appearance was too delicate, lacking some intimidation, ultimately not "manly" enough. With this scar, it balanced things out nicely. Maybe it even added a certain charm.

"No, no, no, there's no chance of that happening. Boss, don't get ahead of yourself," Fan Xia hastily poured cold water on the idea. "You're not suited for that kind of macho route. If anyone's going to go that way, it'll be me. How about this, Ding Zheyang's mom is pretty well-connected, right? Lately, she's been sending girls from Shanghai to Tokyo for double eyelid surgery and nose jobs. She knows a doctor over there who can do scar removal surgery. When the time comes, we can just go to Tokyo."

Boss used to have such beautiful arms, like jade. Now it looks like a centipede with eight legs, it's discordant.

Fan Xia couldn't help but think of the scene where Ning Xiaobei sacrificed himself to cushion the fall that day, and his guilt flooded back. "This won't do, you can't have a scar."

Ning Xiaobei could hear the hint of tears in his voice and quickly joked, "What's wrong? Are you afraid I'll scare your Tang Ruirui?"

"Boss!" Fan Xia felt like using his crutch to knock on Ning Xiaobei's head.

"I've already said it, I don't like her, don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, but you seemed so jealous that day."

Ning Xiaobei tilted his head, teasingly asking, "Do you know that I didn't feel happy after rejecting her?"

"I'm leaving, call me when it's time to eat."

Fan Xia turned around and headed for the door of his own home.

Now Grandma and Xiaomei have also moved into the tenement building, but not with their son, instead they rented the room that used to belong to Wang Yihong. They brought their furniture after returning from Huangshan Resort, planning to stay until they could move into the allocated relocation house.

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