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All the procession stopped before even stepping closer to the entryway and took pictures of the two captives while there still was enough light for it: this was to find them in the Center database

It was le flira cu le jaspu—or your face is your passport, as the law stated after all

After that, Trinat pressed some buttons on an ATM-like computer, that was the entryway itself, and let his own face scanned by the machine; the computer disappeared and now there was a dark hole instead: that was the entrance. Two police officers seized the criminals' arms and they all immediately stepped in what seemed to be an underground bunker. The two captives were led to the detention facility while Trinat went to write a report on them. It took him a while though to accomplish this: it was usually Goe who took responsibility to write all these reports...

He was so good at statistics and math... Once Trinat praised him for having successfully written a new annual report with saying, "You're just like a true accountant!" That made Goe shiver and only mumble something like, "That's weird you don't have a real one in here though..." And Trinat just agreed without paying too much attention to such a reaction of his friend he now perfectly knew the cause of...

After a million of efforts, he was finally done and told a junior officer he just met to go send it by post. Then Trinat was getting ready to question one of the two criminals, waiting for their record to come up any time soon, as this time a junior officer ran to him and, gasping, whispered
                    doi lo jatna pa lo pinfu cu morsi1

Stunned and preoccupied the very moment he heard it, Trinat was already rushing out to the detention facility with the junior officer and saw just one of the captives: the other had mysteriously disappeared as if he never was there, just another chair was brought in there by mistake

xu do birti lo nu lo drata pinfu cu mrobi'ose'i gi'e na se vimcu2

doi la jatna su'o ti noi lo pinfu ti cu cusku3

.i le vreji be fu kacma cu selplibre ca ma4

de'e doi lo jatna5

Trinat nodded and looked closely at that captive through a glass. After a few moments, he said
         ko zgana .i mi interviiu lo pinfu tu6

The police officer nodded and sat down near the door so that he both could rush out to open it the fastest way possible and see what was going on in the detention facility while Trinat, holding the door knob, sighed and went in

The captive heard Trinat walk in and turned around in their chair; their hands were seemingly trembling and they couldn't bring themself to look up, violently twisting their own fingers, painfully anticipating the entire procedure. Trinat sat down where the other captive presumably was just sitting and began:

                                                                         ma do cmene7

                                                                         mi me .fiug.8

                                                                        xu do nanmu ja ninmu ja nunmu9

                                                                        mi nonmu10

                                                                        ma do jibri11

                                                                        mi enge be le zdani je le kumfa12

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