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Few months later

"GIVE ME DRUGS SEHVAHN" I yelled as Sehvahn
held my hand.

Oh my bad. A lot has happened since me and the boys got married so let me caught y'all up to speed. After me and the boys got married we on a honeymoon for a few days.

My Grandpa watched Mary and Tatum for them few days and they had a blast. They called me everyday showing me something new they got from him.

The honeymoon was amazing too. We went out of state just doing random shit. Honestly it was the most fun me and the boys had with each other in a long time with no kids.

After we got back the boys decided they wasn't gonna leave their gangs but they just have someone take over and go check on things every once in a while.

So we just been chilling since we got back or doing something kiddish for the kids. Oh I almost forgot i adopted Mary too.

Grandpa handled everything so everything moved hella fast but I'm happy it did. She haven't stop smiling since but she still haven't called the boys dad or daddy. I don't know why but I'm hoping over time she will. Now that y'all are caught up let's talk about what's happening right now.

My water broke this morning in bed and the boys instantly rushed me to the hospital. My attractions was kicking my ass from the very first one so now I'm on this very uncomfortable hospital bed with my legs propped up making eye contact with the doctor because she's been making me push for the past hour now.

They said they gave me medicine but i honestly don't feel it.

"Baby girl, they gave it to you already but you got it" Sehvahn said

I swear I wanted to slap the taste out his mouth. Braxton and him are in the delivery room not doing a gosh damn thing but watching me try to push NOT ONE BUT TWO BABIES OUT.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH" I said, gripping the sides of the bed as another attraction hits.

"Come on Mrs. Watson/Brown just one more good push for twin one" My doctor said

As much I wanted to snap her head off her body I gave one last push hopping one of the twins would come on. I gripped the bed again and pushed but this time I felt one of twins come out along with a little cry soon after. Sehvahn and Braxton looked memorized watching the nurses take our son to clean him off.

I started to cry because one of my babies are finally here. I wanted so long to see who got who facial features and who would come out first.

"Alright Mrs.Watson/Brown looks like twin two is coming out faster then his brother so give me one big good push and it'll be over" She said

I nod my head gripping the sheets even harder as I pushed the hardest I could. Thank the Lord himself because my other baby just slid right out casing me to throw my head back realizing it was over.

Sehvahn and Braxton cut the boys umbilical cords as my doctor cleaned me up and took my vitals. She told me everything looks good but they'll be keeping me and the twins here for a few days to make sure it stays that way.

After the twins got cleaned up and their vitals got took the nurses gave me both twins.

Let me tell you as she placed them in both my arms they look exactly like me. Like I mean they look identical to me like Tatum looks identical to Sehvahn.

I thought I was done crying after I gave birth but nope here I am crying again seeing my sweet boys sleep so peacefully in my arms.

"It's okay baby, it's over now" Braxton said, as him and Sehvahn took seats right beside my bedside.

"I'm not crying because of that. I'm crying because they're perfect" I said, smiling looking down at them.

"Can't we believe we fathers again" Sehvahn said, smiling as he looked over at us.

"Do y'all wanna hold them now?" I asked them

Both of them jumped up so excited. It was honestly adorable.

"So what we gonna name them?" Braxton asked me

"Yeah baby girl. Can't have our boys out here without a names" Sehvahn said

"Kingston Carter Watson Brown and Kody Tate Watson Brown" I told them

"Type shit but why you pick those names?" Sehvahn asked me and Braxton nod his head

"Well I looked up the definition of your name Sehvahn and I couldn't find one so I made up one. "A true king" so I decided why not name one of the twins Kingston after you and the other Kody because I know that's Braxton favorite basketball player" I said

"I fuck with it baby girl" Sehvahn said

"Yeah, you did your thing with the names baby" Braxton said

"Plus Carter my grandpa middle name and Tate short for Tatum" I said

"They'll love it baby. Now get some rest we got the twins" Braxton said

"Okay" I said

"Where my great grandbabies at?" My grandpa asked, basically busting through the hospital doors.

"Shhhh, they just went back to sleep" I told him as I slowly sat myself up again.

"Mommyyyyyy" Tatum said, running into the room with Mary right behind him.

"My handsome boyyy and my pretty girlll" I said, as Sehvahn helped both of them onto the bed.

"Mommy, we missed you so much" Mary said

"Damn it's fuck us huh" Sehvahn said

"Basically" I said, as I let felt a death stare coming from Sehvahn.

"Mommy, where's baby brothers?" Tatum asked.

"They on the other side of the bed" I told Tatum

"When are they coming home?" Mary asked me

"Yeah we need to know because I only came here for them" my grandpa said

"Wow, not me the mother of them?" I ask my grandpa

"Nope just them" My grandpa said

"Aye don't do our baby girl like" Sehvahn said

"Me and the kids running away" I said, playing around

"And watch them legs be on bed rest for another 9 months" Sehvahn said

"Aht aht. Nopeeeeeee." I said

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