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I am still an idiot, but like
harry potter belongs to me..... J.K. Rowling
I've just been depressed for a few weeks for literally no reason like help.
Btw thank peeps for followers and I am like bad at thanking people so this feels so cringe. Any who let's read the story


Harry was crouched under the covers, shivering in fear. Mister Severus was surely going to beat him now!

He knew he should have prepared breakfast, but the stupid author brought Snape towards him before he could make it.

Harry contemplated running away. After all, he knew how to live on his own, and if he ran away, no one would be able to beat him because no one would know where he was.

Harry decided to hatch an escape plan.
First, he would stuff a pillow under the covers to pretend he was still in bed.

Next, he packed up what little belongings he had and put it in a bag.

Now Harry was getting ready to jump out of the window,  when he heard the door handle creak, shocking him enough for him to fall out of the window.


Harry was closing his eyes, waiting for impact, when he heard Severus shout. Then he realised, he was no longer falling. How would he run away now if he couldn't even get out of the window?

(Snape's POV)

Severus was just going to check up on Harry after the panic attack he'd had, hoping to get him to trust him.

He'd even rehearsed a whole speech in his head to try to get Harry to trust him, only to be rendered speechless to see Harry Potter perched on the window sill, looking like he was about to jump.

And he did.

Quickly snapping out of his stupor, Snape ran to the window sill, and shouted the first spell that came to mind.


As Harry floated back up to the windowsill, Snape's head filled with thoughts.

Had Harry tried to kill himself?
Why would he want to kill himself?
Did Harry hate Snape thta much?
Maybe he wasn't fit to be a guardian after all.

(Harry's POV)

Harry was in distress, mentally.
If Snape caught him, he would surely get beaten terribly.

Willing himself as hard as possible, he pushed himself to the floor, and heard a pop where Snape's spell was rendered useless.

What would have been quite a bit painful for most people, Harry didn't feel it, as his pain tolerance was high, courtesy of the Dursleys.

Quickly steadying himself, he sprinted through the back gate, down the street and right into someone's chest.

"Steady there child, where are you going in such a hurry?" A male's voice. Harry took a step back to see a man with long blond hair, wearing wizard's robes.

A wizard! Harry thought, maybe he could help me get away from Snape.

"I-I w-was running a-away." Harry said, hanging his head in shame.

"My goodness," the man said, his eyes flicking to Harry's scar. "Surely your guardian isn't that bad?"

Harry was shocked, he knew Snape wasn't as bad as the Dursleys, but he knew Snape would kill him if he went back.

"N-no, but he'll kill Fre-me if I go back"

"Why don't you come with me, then I can protect you. My name's Lucius, Lucius Malfoy. Just grab onto my arm, and I'll apparate us to my manor."

What's the worst that could happen?
Harry grabbed onto the man's arm, and popped away.

Soooooo... what do you guys think.
Any who that was 566 words sooo. I'm proud if myself.

What do you think should happen?

An under stimulated teen

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