11. "OUCH."

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The woman who stormed the house, the one seen at the marketplace, apparently named Kawasumi, tossed him onto the ground in front of the Queen. She then kneeled, and told the Queen, "I have caught the boy who had sheltered Myeong and Ken'ichi."

"Ouch," I mumbled, as I push myself up.

My head is throbbing. I bring my hand up to it, and rub it lightly. Pain immediately thrusts its way harder into me. When I bring my hand back down, all I see is red.

The whole.. journey to the Queen's throne room seemed to be a blur to me. After the gunshots sounded, everything became a blur. Hebe told me about guns awhile back. How they are creations that always bring death and harm.

I slowly settle into a seated position. Memories of what just happened fly back to me. They all seem so long ago — Hebe's begs for it all to stop, Myeong getting shot, and then throwing myself out to be captured.

'That was a good decision. I was helping others," I tell myself. Yet, I can't help but to be fearful as the sound of heels clicking come closer to me.

The society here, the way our new world is governed, is a little different from how the place I was raised was. Different people are in power. Yet.. I cannot help but see that no ruthlessness has been reduced.

The world is the same, with everyone told they are equal, but some still being more equal than others. Where however much work you do and put in, you will still be in the same position.

"Ah, good find!" Her Majesty lightly kicking me over, so I am no longer sitting up.

I wince again. How am I.. so worn out? Blood trickled some more onto the cold, cold stone. I look up again, and I am met face-to-face with that girl in the window. Her wrist is chained to the center of the room, with a long enough chain so she can walk around a bit. She stares at me with these wide eyes, full of unknown emotions.

I give her a small smile. The previous pain of coming here slowly fades. She snapped out of her daze, and returned the smile. Then she passed me a small piece of cloth, probably for my head.

Suddenly, as I put the cloth to my head, it is snatched. Someone gripped it hard, forcing me to stare into angered, green hues.

"Did you hear what I just said?" She hissed.

I shake my head. Fear flooded back to me. The Queen pulled me up by my head. I thrash around a bit, as I find myself unable to breathe. I am so tired, though. It isn't soon that I'm just unable to try and work for my air.

She set me back down. "Now, I won't let such good information die on me, aye?"

I look back up at her, and nod awkwardly. I am not sure what to do. Why does she need good information if Kawasumi could've just grabbed Myeong-Jun and Ken'ichi instead? — Not that I would have wanted them to be snatched. I don't want others to get hurt.

"Good. Now, boy, why would you ever help fugitives?" She muttered.

"I... uh," Weariness had clouded over me. I am not able to find my words.

"No!" She slapped my arm, and walked closer, "Give me an answer. Not random gibberish. Do you even know what those two have done?"

I shook my head, "No, Your Majesty."

"They're criminals, law breakers, thieves — Destined for one place down below." With each word, she began to pace around; her long red hair swished behind her.

"And worst of all," Her Majesty faced me again. I crawled back just a tinge, but she pulled me closer to her.

"And worst of all..." She hissed in my ear, "They disrespected me."

After this, she threw me back away from her. She gagged in disgust for being so close to a dirty, bloody boy. I hit the wall, and curl my knees up to my chest. I feel so... small.

The girl from before lightly tapped my shoulder. Her chains clinked a bit, but the Queen didn't notice. She gave me another small smile. I cannot help but feel lost in her gaze.

'What?' I feel confused. I just met her.

She lightly peeled away the now-red cloth, and replaced it with another. She tossed the old cloth away. In the darkness of what is going on, she brought some light.

"Hm." The Queen broke off whatever just happened. We all turn to face her. "Tie him up with Hidden, would you, Atlanta?"

Daffodils and Hyacinths (3rd book in the Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now