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(A few months later...)


I sigh.

So much has... changed.

So much has changed for the better.

Amidst all of the life in this world, and peace from our new ruler, Atlanta, I feel the need to write something down. Just as a warning, for the future generations.

I have never been the best writer. I used to never know how to read, or write. However, thanks to the others, they have taught me.

I sit at my seat at my desk, in my new home. I look outside, and watch as Mus and Hidden tend to the flowers outside. They remind me of Bean and I, although a better version.

I have always loved flowers. So, as a way to memorialize everyone lost, from lovers, to friends, to commoners or servants, to enemies. Everyone. I pick up my pen and begin.

' Dandelions.

They may be one of the prettiest weeds. Yet, still dangerous — Perhaps even more so, for the way they choose to disguise themselves as beautiful flowers.

However, you can never disguise yourself from what you are.

By yanking out the plant, it's round, ball-like root is revealed. All weeds have similar roots, because deep down, they're all the same.

They all start out as innocent seedlings. Weeds are fast, though. Soon, the seemingly harmless sapling will grow up to be a killer. Weeds are selfish. When given the chance, they will easily strangle and kill a true flower in your garden, and take its place unjustly.

How do you stop these unlawful, cruel weeds? You kill them. You pull them out as a whole, all the way down to the roots. Once done, burn them.

As I have said, dandelions are weeds. Weeds are like sickness. Sickness likes to spread.

If you do not kill off the power-thirsty dandelion from your garden, it will happily live its unjust life. At the end of the thieving plant's lifecycle, it turns white and is ready to spread its seeds to new victims.

The seed will be swiftly carried off by a breeze. They will settle on a patch of soil; not caring if the plot is already owned by another flower. It will grow, strangle, and repeat the murderous dandelion lifecycle.

So, do your plants and flowers a favor.

Kill off your dandelions before they can spread fully.

After all, what is a garden if it is full of weeds? '

Daffodils and Hyacinths (3rd book in the Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now