8:Becoming A Decepticon

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A/N- Hey guys! So sorry for the really late update. I've been busy with other stuff and my other stories too. I hope y'all understand. I'm sorry that this chapter is short and crappy. It's cuz I couldn't really think of anything. But anyways, I hope y'all enjoy the chappie!


It has been 4 years since Erika has become Knockout's Sparkmate. And it has been 2 years since she has graduated high school.

Erika's POV
Erika was on the Decepticon ship in the Med Room with knockout when Megatron walked in the room.

Megatron: Knockout, I need to talk you privately.

I then up and left. I kinda thought that was kind of harsh to say.

Knockout's POV

Lord Megatron had asked kind of harshly for Erika to leave. When she left, I saw lord Megatron smirking.

Knockout: What's with you smirking?

Megatron: I have an idea for you and Erika. But I needed to talk to you first about it if your okay with it.

Knockout: Go right ahead Lord Megatron.

Megatron: Why won't we go ahead and have Erika become one of us?

Knockout: I'm not following. I thought she already is one of us?

Megatron: What I'm trying to say Knockout is that we should see if Erika would like to become a robot.

Knockout: I wouldn't see a problem with that, if it's okay with Erika.

Megatron: Very well. If she says yes, you and Breakdown will be doing the transformation on her, but make sure she is still able to turn into a human, because I know she will want too.

I nodded as he walked out.

Half hour later...

I was still in the med bay and breakdown was with me. We heard the doors open and it was Erika.

Erika: So Lord Megatron says you would like to do some work on me?

Knockout: Lord Megatron and I were talking and he suggested that you should become one of us.... Robot is what I'm talking about...

Erika: I know, he told me your conversation.

Breakdown: Wait, what? What are you guys talking about?

Erika: Knockout, did you not tell Breakdown here on what you and Lord Megatron talked about?

Knockout: Um.... No....

Erika: Oh my god your such an idiot! Okay breakdown, I will explain to you.

Breakdown: Okay good. At least some one here will tell me.

I told Breakdown about what Megatron and Knockout talked about.

Breakdown: I see no problem in doing that.

I nodded. Then Knockout and Breakdown simply got to work.

A couple hours later...

Knockout: How do you feel?

Erika: Okay you know. I just have to get used to this.

They nodded.

Breakdown: Do you have a vehicle form picked out already?

I nodded. The groundbridge then opened and I walked through. I spotted the car I wanted right away and I scanned it. Then I transformed into my alt mode and started driving. I called for a groundbridge and when it appeared, I drove through.

I am now officially a Decepticon robot.


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