Chapter 4: Hello brother part 1

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One month has passed. I have become very accustomed with these people and a routine has been in place. I never thought I would like it here as much as I do. I've been a great use to Alice and I'm thankful I can help her due to everything she's done for me. She's a great Lord but she doesn't have extensive knowledge on other towns or leverages. That's where I can help. I know how people think and feel especially those with power.
As for Lawrence, he still thinks I'm hiding something. Which he's not entirely wrong I am hiding something I think it's just not as bad as he wants to believe. Other than his suspicious attitude towards me, he's been teaching me to spar said if I was going to stay with Alice, I might as well be able to protect her. Our sparring sessions were the highlight of my day. Even though he was still suspicious of me, Lawrence became a friend someone I knew I could always turn to.

   Today was the day of the wedding. Thing I found out about Sophie is she is a horrible procrastinator. She had nothing planned for the wedding, no music, no food, and no area to do it. After she brought this fact up to me I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do some good in this town, so I'm not just staying and resting on my laurels. I decided to take the role of wedding planer.
   Two weeks ago, I took it upon myself with permission of Sophie to figure out everything. Me and Alice search and searched, breaking it up upon us to give her the best wedding. I'm happy that I took on this job but also some thing a little frightens me when efficient from another town is coming in just for this. What if I recognize him if I've seen him? More importantly, what if he recognizes me. I've been to plenty of weddings. My father knows most of the high-end officiant.

   I stand in my room sorting through some of my clothes, deciding what I can take on the run if my family comes here. They would burn this entire village just to get me back. This place is nothing more than a roadblock in their plans.
   Lawrence Bust-into my room not even bothering to knock. "Hello Catrina" his smile is unmatched.
"Hello lover boy" I turn smiling at him.
" You ready get your dance on" he makes funny little dance moves, spinning around with his hands in front of him. I don't know what kind of dancing he's doing, but I hope to never see it again.
" you bet I am" he grabs my hands, holding me closer doing fake little dances. " but I can't I'm working."
" no the wedding is planned already you did your job. This is your downtime." He spins me and I can't help but giggle.
" you are going to get me in trouble, sir" he saves my hips back-and-forth, leaning in to where I no longer can see his face.
" you love when I get you in trouble" he spends me one more time, letting go of my hand with a smile. he himself down on my bed and curiously looks at the clothes on it. " what's with all the clothes?" His eyes travel from the clothes to my bag and I gulp. I can see his throat, Bob as he swallows. " Are you packing?"
" Lawrence-" he sits up straighter on my bed, staring at me.
" You said you were staying why are you packing?"
"I am staying but-"
"But what what possibly could've made you change your mind about staying in the span of what three hours last time I saw you you were fine"
" last time you saw me I didn't know you were bringing officiant from outside of Hayden's gate" I snapped on him I didn't mean to, but he just doesn't understand. If I have to leave to this village, then that's what I'm gonna do.
" what does that have to do with anything?" he rest his head on his hands clearly frustrated.
" it has a lot to do with it Lawrence I can't just stay if things..." I stop I can't tell him if I tell him he's going to play some moral guard bull shit.
" is this what you do is this how you get by? You go from town to town acting like some poor innocent girl who just needs help you be friend them and then you just leave"
" what do you want me to say that I'm happy that I came in here and you might be leaving for some mysterious reason" he looks frustrated and annoyed. I can't blame him. I came into town and I thought it was permanent or at least not so soon. I didn't plan on getting attached to them or this place but I am. I sigh walking over slowly, and taking a seat next to him on the bed.
" People are searching for me I can't stop him and nothing that me or you could ever do to stop them. I won't let anybody get hurt from my choices." His eyes flicker I can't read what he's thinking.
" who is it?" he sounds angrier than ever.
" Lawrence I can't tell-"
" quit it we're friends right" I nod slowly he closes his eyes and opens him again, rubbing his hands on his pants " you're my friend and I do anything to protect my friends, you don't have to go anywhere and nobody is going to hurt you"
" I can protect myself your job is just to protect the village"
" and the people I care about" he adds. We sit in silence for a moment, the anger fizzling out between us " come with me to the wedding as my date"
I turned him like he's the most insane person I have ever met " what"
" I mean you are scared that somebody is after you and if you're with me a prestigious guard I'll protect you. I'll make sure nobody even gets close to you"
" are you sure Lawrence"
" I'm sure that I and everyone else in the village don't want you to leave so come with me as my date and stay"
" I want to stay too" I smile at him before looking at the clock hanging on my wall ", I have to go get my dress from your sister".
" that's fine I have to go get dressed anyways" he gets up walking over to the door before he reaches it fully. He turns around staring at me. " don't just walk away please promise me you'll never walk away" I stare at his eyes and smile.
" I promise"

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