Chapter 10:The secret

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Alice leans over with a book in her hand tapping me on the shoulder " look at this".
"Oh my god is this how to open the gate to hell" I take the book lightly from her grasp and we stare at the pages.
"Yup well we need to tick things off this list what has zane already done?" She pointed to the very clear list "dark essence, animal sacrifice, death sacrifice and giving away your heart"
"Animal sacrifice. The goats we found." I point to the next one "dark essence what is that"
"Dark magic, vampire, werewolf's, and any supernatural creature that is considered dark magic"
"Are there any in town" she immediately gets her nervous look on her face.
"We have a witch in town but she doesn't practice dark magic at all so she won't leave a dark essence" her voice trails off. I hope she is being honest with me.
"Ok next one giving your heart away..." I stare at the words confused.
"It's something you have to do to be a shadow guard or demon I remember Ambrose read up on it. You have to give away the most important thing to you to show you can let go of your humanity and show your vow to the devil. This is the only way they can fully transform. I'm guessing it apply to the portal do you know what the most important thing to zane is?"
"I honestly couldn't tell you, if you asked me when we were kids I would say family but now I have no clue." We both stare at the book and my eyes widen "if we are on the fence about dark essence...dose that mean"
"Zane might only have one more step to open the gate to hell" we both stare at the pages not able to say a word about this revelation. Could zane be closer than we thought.
Suddenly the front door comes smashing in me and Alice both jump up from the chairs staring at the scream in front of us.

Zane is sprawled out on the broken down door as a huge black wolf enters the room. It takes delicate steps like it watching pray. I stare into my brother's fearful eyes for just a second before I see a small necklace around the wolfs neck.
"Bellamy stop" Alice yells and my eyes snap to her. Suddenly it clicks the necklace around the wolf's neck is Bellamy's.
"He is a" I stare in shock at Alice not even being able to finish my sentence.
"We will talk about this when he is not a blood thirsty wolf" she quickly grabs a piece of chicken from the counter. "I'll lead him away you get your brother"
"Hey boy look at this" Alice hold up the whole chick and waves it around.suddenly the big wolf turns to her and she takes off to the living room walking slowly way from the wolf. As soon as she if far enough away I dart to zane pulling him off his ass. I keep checking if Bellamy will turn back to finish the job.
"What did you do" I glared at him as he stands wincing slightly.
"I didn't do anything" he snarls at me.
"Clearly you did something other wise he wouldn't have shifted"
"Why are you not freaking out he is a bloody wolf who almost just killed me" I rolled my eyes.
"He wouldn't have attacked you if you didn't provoke him"
"I should have known you would have taken his side" zane starts to exit the house still brushing his clothes off. I can't help but snap at him.
"Don't do that victim bullshit. Even if you didn't provoke him just now you have done nothing but be antagonistic since you got here" I point at him accusingly "if I took his side you would be dead right now. I wouldn't have stopped him" I turn making my way back inside when I hear him.
"I-" I spin back around before he could finish the sentence.
"Nobody had ever believed in you except me even now when you have done nothing to show you are doing any of this for good I am the only one who has been defending you" he looks at me with remorse and I can't help but seeth at that
"I'm sorry-"
"No no your not. If your sorry you will leave before Bellamy comes back to finish the job" he turns to leave. I feel Alice pull me inside and over the broken door.
"He is shifting back"
"Seems like not seeing zane dose him good"
"It dose a little good for everyone" we both laugh as we make our way into the living room. After a few horrible groans later Bellamy is knelt on the ground fully naked Alice quickly covers him with a sheet. "Will you stay here with him I am going to get him some water and rags"
"Yeah I'll stay" as she gets up I wince seeing him in such pain. I slide off the chair to be next to him rubbing his back lightly. "Are you ok"
After a few heavy breaths I hear his voice "I'm sorry"
"Bellamy stop" I turn to him smiling "no need for an explanation I know how my brother is it's not your fault. He looks up at me and smiles resting his exsaused head on my shoulder.
"What the hell is going on" me and Bellamy both turn around each other staring at Lawrence standing in the doorway.
"Lawrence it's not what it looks like-" Bellamy speaks first and Lawrence shakes his head and laughs.
"You got to be kidding me" Lawrence shakes his head laughing as he turns and walks out of the house leaving me dumbfounded.
"What just happened" I turn to look at Bellamy.
"Nothing just go talk to him"
"Are you sure you're ok?"
"Yes I'm good now go I'll see you at tia's party tonight" I get up walking past the broke door and trying to find Lawrence. Some part of my gut knows where he is.

I walk to our sparing spot and confirm my suspicions. Lawrence is sat against the tree taking a swing of his flask. He scrunch's his face as he drinks.
"Mind if I join?" I rub my hands nervously, slowly walking towards him.
"Even if I said no you would join me anyways"
"Very true but that's why you love me" I cross my legs dramatically before plopping down next to him.
"Yeah I do" his voice is so low I barely hear him.
"Why did you come and find me, I thought you were busy" he emphasizes the words.
"You got the wrong idea"
"So I didn't see you and Bellamy naked together?"
"Only Bellamy was naked technically and I mean he had a sheet on"
"Wow how helpful" I roll my eyes reaching for his hand.
"Listen Mr sassy he faught with zane and was hurting" I don't know how much everyone knows "we weren't sleeping together"
"It's non of my business" he tries to look like he doesn't care but I can tell he does.
"He is like my brother Lawrence"
"I know but then I walk in and he is all tangled in a sheet and you were touching him and I don't know..." he shakes his head standing up and dropping my hand. slight disappointment floods my mind before he offers his hand to me. I take it and he pulls me up to my feet. "I'm stupid but not mad" he smiles. "Why aren't you getting ready for tias party?"
"I was more concerned about you" I pinch his arm slightly.
"Hey that's not how you treat someone you're concerned about" he gives me a cheeky smile. I shake my head and suddenly as silence sets in I feel the closeness of our proximity. His green eyes find mine and I suck in a breath. I see a shift in it before his hand leaves my hand and finds it way to my jaw. He kisses me....he kissed was soft and sweet he pulls apart softly leaving his hand on my face I can barley move let alone breath.
"Lawrence.." I whisper his name softly that must have made him snap back to reality because he backs up making sure not to touch me.
"I should go get ready for the party"
"Yeah.." he smiles giving me a small wave before disappearing right in front of my eyes. What just happened.

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