Chapter 12: The order

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I saw his tall figure standing there and I shake my head of course he has to be the one to ruin my solitude.
   "What do you want Zane" I know I sounded snapper than normal but I'm not in the mood.
   "Why are you crying" I roll my eyes at him.
   "Like you care" I fold my arms over my chest and turn my head away from him "you can leave"
  "What am I supposed to just leave you here alone to cry"
  "Yes" Zane doesn't listen, he walks over sitting on the tree next to me. I can't see him anymore but I can feel his presence.
"Just please tell me what happened. I know you hate me and all but I don't want to see you like this" his voice is quite and sincere a part of me longs for my brother like this.
  "It's nothing to worry about" I let my head fall back closing my eyes for just a moment I need a break. This party was supposed to be that happiness but unfortunately it was only my own
Naiveness that ruined it.
   "It was that Lawrence boy wasn't it, I know you two are quite close" my silence was enough confirmation of this. There is nothing left to say between me and Zane but of course that never stopped Zane.
"What did he do did he touch you-"
"Be quiet Zane" I finally open my eyes taking in the blackness of the night around us. If he wanted to hurt me he could have. Nobody would even know.
"Be quite are we children seriously I'm trying to be concerned for you"
"My issue isn't that your concerned it's that your concerned now" I wipe my dry tears standing up to face him. Stumbling a little as I do so. "If your so concerned with men hurting me look in the damn mirror, I just want a life Zane one where father isn't forcing me to be married off. Where I can have my brothers back and not feel like the world is sitting on my chest" I am almost chocked back in tears when I see his expression. It's the same expression he had when we were 6 and I finally told him about some boy on the playground who would push me down and belittle me.
   "I never wanted to hurt you...I just want our family together again..." his eyes are filled with sadness I can't help but feel the desperation crawling out of his body.
  "Then don't do this Zane...don't start a war on the village. I promise if you do that then you will lose me forever" I want him to make the right choice. I want him to not do something I know he will regret.
  "I don't want to but..." he looks way from me shadows seem to fill his face.
   "Then don't Zane" I move closer kneeling down beside him moving my hand to his face. When his head turns I pause pure evil drips from his eyes. The last thing I remember is a hand tightening around my throat and Zane's words thumping in my head.
   "I will do anything to bring him back" his cold hands clasp around my throat and I feel the air leave my lungs. My world spins.

No what am I do. No no no what is wrong with me. It felt like I lost control I couldn't stop. Her body drops I quickly catch her and run my hair on her head. She isn't dead but she is passed out. I don't know what came over me-
"Oh come on you know you had to do it" Maxwell why would did.
   "Stay out of my head and leave my body alone" I yell even though I know he can hear me.
   "I'm not the one to blame for this you are, this work is all yours" I glance down at my sister and pull her tighter against me trying to protect her from the harsh winds.
  "I would have never done that, you could have killed her...I would never do that" I shake my head and push away Maxwell's thoughts. But I can feel him settled within me. I pick up my sister and walk her a little farther away in the forest, so she's not on the side of the road. I find a nice patch of grass quickly shoving off my jacket, I wrapped it before sitting her down. Her breathing once more and can tell that she's fine. Nowhere near dead. I think the stars for that if anything would've happened to her....
My mind is back to Maxwell. How could he do this? Another part of me thinks about if he comes back I want to get away from her as that as possible. It's clear if it wasn't for my willpower and love for my sister he would've finished the job. I give her a quick kiss on the head before she's in a comfortable position. I take off my heels I know it's wrong to leave her but if Maxwell comes back and tries anything I won't be able to forgive myself. As soon as I get in the cabin, I look into the mirror in my room.
" you need to leave me alone" I can't help but glare at him. I think version of him that always appears in reflections, shows his face once more.
" you don't want me to come home" he says in an innocent voice as if he didn't try to kill her sister.
" I want you to come home but I also don't wanna hurt her" I shake my hand " someone hurt her tonight and they will pay for that action. Don't put yourself on that list"
" what are you gonna do kill Lawrence?" Devilish grin spreads on his face. I've never seen him look so hunting. " he could be our sacrifice Remember, he made her cry". Anger spread in my body as I remember the tears streaming down her face.
" fine I'll destroy him my way though"

My eye is flutter open. I feel a nice chill in my bedroom. Touch the sheet next to me and that's when my eyes fully registered my surroundings. I'm not in my grass is against. My fingers and I hear birds chirping. My eyes are immediately met with the bright blue skies. I wince at the bright lights sitting up. Remembering exactly what happened last night. My hands spring to my throat caressing the area where he choked me, Zane tried to kill me. I gulp heaviness in my stomach. I remember the panic, the pain, the betrayal.
I stand up. My feet are a little wobbly but I make my way through the forest. I can still see the big stone walls of Hayden gate so I make my way there. I roll my neck. Feeling the aching pain. I see the black suit jacket wrapped around my body and instantly know who it is. Why would he try to kill me and then cover me up? I shake my head limping my way back in town.
   I don't even make it to the steps leading up to Alice's house when I see Ambrose jogging out the front door straight towards me. Before I know it, his body collides with mine, and he hugs me tightly.
   " too tight Ambrose" I push on getting him to release me.
  " where have you been?" he let's go of me, but still keeps his arms on my shoulders, staring at me crazily." do you understand how worried everyone was about you"
   " what are you talking about?"
   " you never came home last night. Left the party without telling anyone and when Lawrence went to look for you, he couldn't find you anywhere. He said you never came home last night."
  " wait, what time is it?" I rub my tire eyes staring up at the sky once again.
   " it's almost noon"
   " I slept for that long" I shake my head and disbelief.
  " where were you?"
  " long story... well actually it's not that long. I left the party a little tipsier, and then I would've liked and walked outside of the gate"
   " why were you outside the gate?" How was I supposed to tell my brother I overheard in Lawrence talking about Lawrence, new girl and for that matter, why would I have cared that much?
" I was drunk Ambrose. I just needed a break I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. " I just wanna get home OK I smell like wood and alcohol" I make my way past Ambrose to the house, I give Alice and Bellamy a small wave before stomping down the basement and into my room. I quickly changed into something a little more comfortable when I hear thudding steps rushing down the basement stairs.

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