Chapter 16: hells gate

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    The moment your world ends is the moment everything pauses. The moment that you will wait for your entire life. Everyone dies one day. Everyone will lose everyone at some point. It's inevitable. The one thing you never plan on losing the people you care about in the moment. That's when your world truly ends.
" the gate of hell is opening as we speak" Bellamy's voice rings in my ear. All four of us rush to the front of Hayden's gate. The guards on duty are gone, leaving the gate wide open.
" so what's the plan?" Alice looks at me and Ambrose as we all rushed to the cabin. Immediately as we start to get closer the ground seems to become less solid. Crumbles against our feet, the grass seems to have completely died.
We pushed past the limp trees. The thick foliage that just seems to get thicker. The air becomes smoggy Particles fly around like hell is taking over the earth.
" I don't even know how this thing opened let alone how to close it" we stop as we see the cabin.
It's no longer fully intact There's two large pillars sticking out of it. The back of the cabin seems to have crumbled away, leaving only the front room.
" what do we do?" Ambros stares in shock, clutching his sword. we stand there like idiots completely lost, and infatuated with the world around us. We hear loud crash within the cabin.
  " someone's inside" alice points through the window figure moving within. Ambrose takes it upon himself to enter the cabin Bellamy follow us quickly after him me and Alice take our strides together. I hear the guys muttering before we enter. As I step inside yelling immediately hits my ears.
  " don't come closer" I recognize the voice, but the sound of the air swirling makes it hard to concentrate. I can't fully see behind Ambrose so when I stepped to the side of him and see the room fully taking it in. It looked like the cabin once before but the tentacles have grown the furniture seems to be demolished the portal which only flickered to faint is now bigger and fully glowing red. I gulp at the site before me. Then my eyes land on him.
  " Lawrence" I say lowly. He has those black tentacles wrapped around his body. They seem to captivate his wrists. And his waist, pulling him towards the portal. I moved to step forward, but that's when Ambrose puts out his arm. I look around, realizing what Lawrence is doing. He's cutting the spare tentacles that are wrapped around his body. Even with the ones around him, dragging him in. I look up at confusion on my face. " what are you doing? You have to help him."
  "there's too many cat..." I looked form my brother to Lawrence I see his struggling face.
  " you guys need to get out of here all of you" as he cut one more of the tentacles.
  " I'm not gonna leave you to die" I try to make my way past my brother but he stops me again. " so help me God let me go" being on his arm, which is now tightly around my body not letting me move an inch.
  " he's gone too far. Do you not understand that?" Ambrose yells at me trying to get me to hear him through the loud screaming noise coming from the portal.
  " so we're supposed to watch him die" I struggle against his arm once again, but no avail. " let go of me" I scream. When I look back up is even closer to the portal it all happens in a second. One minute he's fighting off tentacles he's grabbing the big black metal gates on either side of the portal and pulling on them. He struggling even if it's a minute he's holding on.
  " get her out of here" Lawrence says this looking at my brother I shake my head.
  " no no stop" I plea and beg, but he doesn't let me go. He pushes his arm against me, forcing me back out of the cabin. I screamed and fight against him. I bang against his chest trying anything. That's when I feel it though. I feel a large click. It shakes the entire ground. He's gone. I can't see into the cabin even through the windows Ambros his body is covering them.
  It Doesn't even matter, I know what happened. I sink down onto my knees and sobbed. I don't remember for how long. I don't even remember when I got enough strength to stand. But at some point my feet and the help of Ambrose Pulled me away from that cabin.
    This time it is gotten dark as we made our way to Hayden's gate. I started walking down the path feeling like a zombie. Zane who was sitting with Tia at the guard tower got up. He could see the tears in my eyes and he hugged me. I cried again. The second time I poured out every last drop of sorrow in me.
  " what happened?" Zane rubs my back still enveloped a hug.
  " he's gone..."

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