Chapter 14: A buring feeling

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Two months have passed I've been a little bored out of my mind, but I've been keeping busy with helping Alice move. Bellamy finished the house and I've got to say it is stunning. It's more secluded than her old house I think he did on purpose to give them a little more privacy. They've gotten a little more romantic recently. I can see it in Bellamys eyes. He's falling hard.
Since Lawrence has been gone, I've been trying to keep myself busy, however, the highlight of my day or his letters. We've been writing them back-and-forth, sending them through messenger birds. I've missed him I didn't realize how much he surround my days until he was gone.

Zane I'm not heard a word from Zane and incident in the woods. He's not showing his face around town. He's not even come out of that cabin. We've had somebody on guard duty watching his every move. He's so secluded he doesn't even know Tia's back Or that she's caring his child. It's a shame. Maybe he's making the right decision not warranting a war. Maybe this is it. But I don't have time to think about Zane I look over at Tia who is that patiently tapping her finger on her leg. She's been waiting out side Faye's door for almost 30 minutes.
" you know you can just go in at anytime" I smile at her try not to push it, but we can't sit out here forever. After she decided to keep the baby I've been helping her with some chores she's gotten to the stage where her bump is showing.
" I'm just so nervous, what if something is wrong with me?"
" Tia, nothing is wrong with you you're gonna do great, but you need to make sure this baby is healthy and happy and the only way to walk through those doors" I give her another smile and finally, she gets up. I follow her movements as she walks to the door. We both walked inside and I find the visitors chair quickly sitting down in it. Cross my legs over each other smiling at her. I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt.
" well welcome to my humble home" Faye smiles at the both of us as she waves her hands over the area.
"Fay this place is anything but humble" Tia retorts back at her.
" well then I've done my job" Faye presses on her chest a little making Tia fall comfortably down on the exam table. " I am going to be using some magic but it's just to see the gender. Is that OK?"
" yeah that's fine" Tia looks a little nervous still as she eyes me " Would you mind scooting the chair over" I know I'm scooting the visitors next to her holding her hand tightly.
Faye does a spell from her spell book wooshing her hand in there. She always gets this very calm to look on her face when she's practicing her magic. It seems to calm her. Suddenly, she claps her hands, smiling brightly.
" well congratulations" she beams " which would you like to know first"
" which" tia's eyes is almost popped out of skull.
"Twins...two not just one" Faye gives a nervous smile.
" what are their genders?" Tia almost starts crying tears of joy as she smiles.
" one boy one girl" she looks at me tears prinkle my eyes. Just like me and Zane. All three of us have a very exciting moment. I really wish my brother could be here but I know it's for the best he is a danger to everyone.

I make my way inside of Alice's new house and then to their cozy library. I sit down on the couch, opening the book which now is covered and sticky notes.
" so what do we have?" Alice looks at me curiously.
" well we know the dark essence is covered by me" Bellamy grimaces.
" so all we have left is a human sacrifice and giving up your heart" I still don't understand what Could give up that would be considered giving away his heart.
" I just don't know what to do. I mean, Zane's been quiet. How are we supposed to do anything if he's not reacting?" Bellamy runs his hands through his hair frustrated.
" it's like a waiting game, Zane has the strike first and then we strike back but till then we just have to sit here" Alice looks so defeated. Bellamy grabs her hand. Giving it a soft squeeze.
" there's not much we can do I mean, I haven't seen Zane in two months. Maybe he's given up."
I shut the book standing up. " I'm gonna let you guys get settled on. I think I'm gonna get my things moved into my new place"
" I asked you if you needed help you said you finished it" Bellamy looks at me concerned " are you gonna need any help?"
" no it's just my recent letter to Lawrence he's coming home so I thought what's the point of sending it"
" oh that's right your boyfriend coming back in town to get ready" I glare at Alice as I grab my bag.
" he is not my boyfriend"
" keep telling yourself that honey" she smile at me before I roll my eyes.
" whatever goodbye you too" I rolled my eyes, but smile all the way back to the house. Alice was going to surprise Lawrence by giving it to him. He's lived here since he's entered the village. She said it felt wrong for him to leave. I moved into a small house right by Alice's new place. It's so close that I can see their mailbox.
I bounce my way inside of the house. It's empty now all the pictures and personalized decorations were gone just the furniture. I think he's gonna be happy about this place. He loves it. He spends more time here than anybody. It was nothing more than a temporary, home, She got stuck with. She said it never felt like real home.

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