Chapter 6: Ambrose

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Stand frozen at time The boy I want now replaced with a man that I don't even recognize. The only thing that even remotely looks like my brother Ambrose is his eyes. It's been since his death he was merely a teenager.
   " you're not real you're not here you're not my brother" my eyes scan him head to even though everything in my body is telling me this is fake. Some part of my heart knows it's not.
   "Catrina let me explain please" Ambrose starts to walk towards me but I put up my hand and he stops in his tracks immediately.
   " oh, yes, this better be good let's see how you figure out a way to tell our dearest little sister, how you faked your own death" Zane, shoves his sword back into his belt and takes a relaxed seat next to us watching the whole scene unfold.
   " don't you think you've caused enough trouble"
Ambrose shoots him by pointed glare . Zane throws up his hands in a defensive way.
  " fine then I'll be on my way" his hand brushing his hands along the side of the building " this was an interesting family reunion" he makes his way into the darkness and I gulp not knowing how to react.
   " what the hell is going on" Lawrence walk so casually towards us he clearly has no idea what's going on.
   "Hey BE nice to see you took the helmet off and gave it a breather. It was starting to stink brother." Lawrence laughs, but he doesn't know the weight of his words. Brother, this is my brother. I don't know if I should be thankful that he's not dead or pissed that he kept a secret from me.
   " I don't think it's best to have this conversation here cat"
   " you don't think it's the best idea to have the conversation of your resurrection where the entire town could hear us" I try not to let it slip from my eye after all that time grieving the pain was always there. How could he be alive?
  " whoa, whoa what did I miss?" Lawrence looks between the two of us.

  "BE can you please explain why you rushed into my house and said I needed to hear this?" Alice complains on her way down the stairs until her eyes hit the group of people. " OK well clearly it's important so I'm just gonna sit right over there." She moves to sit next to Bellamy while sits next to me still glancing over at my brother.
   " I know this was rushed and I know not many of you see me without my helmet or at least not a lot" he takes a deep breath " I am the first born heir to Rolana..." everyone goes silent. No one even dares to breathe. " I three younger points, the twins, which you all have met Zane and Katrina, lastly, my baby brother Maxwell"
   I stand sucking in a breath I can barely look at him. I can barely believe this is reality.
   " I want to say I'm sorry Katrina I know I lied and ran. There's no excuse for what I did but I would like to let you know what happened." I don't say anything. I don't think I can but he still proceeds " Maxwell our little brother passed away when he was only 10, the twins were 12 and I was 16. My mother ripped us from our beds, said there was a light. She described it as a glow more than a fire. She was panicked and frazzled, I remember treading castle, holes and seeing the red cast underneath Maxwell door I heard him scream I knew he was dead" I turned to him, crossing my arms in my chest with a puzzled look on my face.
   " how come I don't remember any of this..."
   " mother had a friend who was a witch. She had a potion that made us forget theoretically. I never drink mine, and I believe Zane didn't either" I know the next part isn't for me. I remember all of it " my father, got stricter he wouldn't let us even out of the castle. He had planned for me taking over. He wanted me to marry some woman to bring peace between our two villages. When I didn't want to I assumed he would put Zane in that position due to the fact that Zane had always wanted to rule, and was willing to do whatever it took."
  " so you faked your death because you assumed dad wouldn't put me in that situation"
   " father was in budging when I was 18 I faked my own demise. For a while I wandered, but soon enough I found this village here. Alice quickly made me one of her guards and I got to help people and villages, which is what I've always wanted to do" I can't help but smile Ambrose has always been such a kind soul. He's always been the first one to step up and protect anyone.
   " I get you faking your death I mean I ran from it can't really blame you on that. Earlier you said Zane didn't drink the potion either does that mean he remembers?"
   " yes, well partially. Yes, I think he remembers."
   " and why do you think that?"
   " he's trying to open the gates of hell"
   " weight pause" Lawrence put up his hands to interject " what do you mean open up the gates of hell would that benefit anybody?"
    " I think he believes Maxwell is still alive, there are demons there ones that serve Lucifer. They're stronger than us more powerful."
    " maybe Zane wants that power..." I say it slowly, but I know Ambrose heard me because he nods.
   " we need to stop him he cannot open the gates hell who knows what's waiting on the other side"
  " I agree" everyone swirls in their thoughts, nobody dares to speak.

Everyone left trying to get a good nights sleep but there was no way I could be able to sleep after today. Seeing my dead brother back in front of me was an experience that I never thought could happen. I mean I've dreamt of it seeing my dead love ones alive maybe it's the denial stage in grief but no matter how much I dreamt it I never thought it would genuinely happen.
   "Can't sleep can you?" Lawrence's voice behind me in the dark kitchen make me jump out of my skin.
  "God you scared the hell out of me" I clutch my hand to my beating chest.
  "Sorry" he giggles as he takes a cup from the cabinet.
  "And for your information no I can't sleep"
  "Me neither" he grabs some water siping it slowly.
"So your best friends with my brother"
"Your dead brother" he winks.
"Haha so funny"
"Sorry I couldn't resist" he walks over pulling out the wooden chair across from me taking a seat. "So how do you feel?"
"With which part, the one where Zane shows up and threatens the entire village and is trying to open the gates of hell or how my big brother is not actually dead" I take a deep breath after binging all the information super fast " oh, but not to mention he's your best friend" I shake my head and utter disbelief " how did I not recognize my own brother? I mean he's been standing there the entire time for whole month."
   " it's not your fault. He had a helmet on full head to toe guard gear, was very quiet and ran away. Anytime you were in the room." Taking a sip of his drink.
  " you know that would make a lot of sense why he's always avoided me"
" yeah, it would also make sense why he always seems so protective of you. Anytime I told him anything wrong he would get this concerned look on his face" tap my finger on my glass, not knowing what else to say " he cares about you a lot you know" I look up to meet eyes.
" I know he does"
" I know what he did, and I know how I would feel if I thought I lost my sister, it's OK for you to be upset with him but it's also OK for you to be happy he's here"
" I know I am happy it's just gonna take some time to get used to. I lost Maxwell when I was young and then a few years after Ambros died and it just changed..." I bite my bottom lip. I'm sure of how to go about the next few days " I know Zane I don't know how far he's willing to go, but I know him... he's my twin I know him better than anyone. If there's anyway I can get to him I need to take it."
" if you need anything, just let me know"

The cobwebs and dust surround me. Blackness swirling in my mind. I sit in my cabin, just outside of Hayden's gate, the village, who took in my sister. I should be thankful somebody took her in. That way she's not dead. But some part of me can't feel resentment that she left in the first place. Leaving me all alone.
I twist the pendant in between my fingers. Remembering the touch of the woman who belongs to. I shouldn't have been so careless, but we were traveling I had nothing to lose. Sleeping with that woman might've been a mistake, but one that I can't look back on now, nor is it when I'm going to regret.
I stand, letting my legs fully fold out and Walk over to my window, peering outside of it. Hayden's gate is in for in for rude awakening.

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