Chapter 9:Wolfy

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   The delectable soup hits my mouth and my eyes snap to Ambrose who is watching me intensely.
  "Is this mom's old recipe" the hint of tomato and peppers almost makes me tear up. After Ambrose died she stopped cooking even though it was a big passion of her. This taste exactly like it.
"I have been learning how to make it before I died" he looks up realizing his works and he giggles "I mean fake died"
"Well it's spot on" I raise the spoon before stuffing my face some more. Alice stops eating and the rest of us turn to look at her. She stands at the end of the big diner table. She folds her hands on themselves in front of her and smiles.
"I have made a decision to move out of the old lord house" everyone raises there brows this was not the announcement we expected " with me the two boys, Katrina, and Lawrence all staying here I thought maybe giving us some room to spread would be the best idea. Especially with Zane on the prowl. Bellamy is working with a few people from town to help build a house one where he has a room as well." She smiles at Bellamy, who looks sheepish. I instantly see the blush that comes onto his cheeks. " Katrina Lawrence will be finding other arrangements until then you are welcome to stay here no way am I trying to kick either of you out, I just think it's time for me and the boys to get our own place".
" I could always look for something in town" Lawrence says with a smile.

   Once every thing was cleaned up I looked around for Lawrence but he was nowhere to be seen. I made my way outside figuring he was in our sparing area already. The cool night air flowed around me as I trenched up the small hill. I payed the brush away and entered the small open area. I see no Lawrence. Fear creeps its way up my spine. All the hairs on my body seem to stand up.
   As I stand in the middle of the open area, I look around the only light illuminating the area was from the moon. It casted a pale, pasty glow on the grass. I hear wrestling behind me my head whips around. What the hell is that? I wait but I don't hear anything else the only sound is the loud breath leaving my lips as I paint in anticipation.
   I hear more trees brushing from the direction I just came from I whip around, pulling my sword from my belt, pointing it at the noise.
  " damn girl you trying to take off my head" Lawrence stand with his hands, raised as if he just got caught red-handed. I let my head fall as I lower my weapon.
   " oh my God, you scared me that was not funny" when I look back up, I shoot him a daggering look. Right now at all times is he trying to scare me?
  " what's not funny I was just coming into our spot like we planned" he walks casually, sitting down the lantern he brought. Worry begins to sit in my chest.
  " you mean you weren't playing some kind of joke on me" I can't help but look back at the spot I heard the wrestling before.
   " if you heard anything, it's probably just the woods or trees creaking, it's a very windy night out" as he turns back to me, he can see my worry " if you're worried and you don't wanna spar still we can always go home"
  " no you're probably right I'm just hearing things with everything going on and I just must be worried" one more to the area, trying to calm my nerves.

We both got into our stances, our swords were drawn and ready. We both skillfully fought back and forth. I dogged some of his attacks but others he would claim I would have "died".
At one point he gets the advantage making his way behind me and I fell on one knee, my other foot resting still against the ground. I look at him and crinkle my nose.
" you know I really like this dress you asshole" I get up brushing myself off with my empty hand. Still in attack mode.
" one day I'd like to see if your sword moved as fast as your mouth" he smirks. I tilted my head at him for just a second before I take the opportunity in his gloating to knock his feet out from under him.
" don't worry it does." I smile down at his winded face as I hold my sword to his neck making sure not to get too close.
" you're getting better" he croaks out, still laying down. I moved my sword, putting it back in my belt, and start to walk away from him.
" better?" I question I just took him down in a matter of two seconds that's more I could say I've done in the past few weeks. He stands rubbing the dirt off of his clothes.
" I mean you're not as good as me or anything but you're improving and that's all that matters" his cocky is back on in a matter of seconds.
" I think you along with everyone else underestimates me" I put my hands behind my back innocently smile at him.
" I don't underestimate you" his voice is more serious than it was before. " I just don't want you to get overconfident and think you can take on anyone there's so people that have more power of you, you're not invincible" his last three words kind of hurt. They were true, but they had a greater meaning. He means against zane. I'm not invincible to the tyranny that Zane is bringing.
" I don't think he will hurt me Lawrence" Lawrence shakes his head before putting his own sword in his belt and grabbing the lantern off the ground.
" well, I'm not taking that chance" he starts to walk past me and I quickly follow.
" you have to trust me"
" trust goes both ways" he raises an eyebrow and fully stops his movement as he says this.
" what's that supposed to mean?"
" it means you're so hell-bent on doing everything yourself and you want everyone to trust you, but you won't trust anyone else to stand up for you" he runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair. His short hair has begun to grow rapidly It's much longer from when I first met him. I can't help, but admire him a little. " I told you I'm here to protect you, but I can't protect you. If you don't trust me enough to tell me when you have a plan. You went to Zane's house today all alone. Do you understand how bad that could've ended up?" His eyes are wide they seem to be reaching out, begging, pleading even.
" I'm OK Lawrence and I'm gonna be OK. I'll fill you in when I plan stuff like that. But you have to trust that I know what I'm doing." he nods slowly. His green eyes mine as he smiles. he arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. He still holds the candle out but farther now, so it doesn't touch me. We stand like that for a while. It's the first time the world seemed to go quiet since chaos hit Hayden's gate. He kisses my forehead quickly so fast I barely even even realized he did it. he pulled away and put an arm around me as he began to walk back to Alice's house.
Tingling in my insides reached out to me. Do I seriously have feelings for Lawrence? He's my brother's best friend and there's no way he even feels the same... right....

Two weeks later
Zane hasn't made a move It's been quiet. Even peaceful how could this be? Zane was gonna hurt on me coming home and now just nothing.
" do you have the books even the ones from Ambrose" I circled the table where Alice sits drowning, and piles of books and papers.
" Yep this is every book I could find if there's anything about opening the gates of hell it will be in here" she smacks a book slightly and dust flies off of it. I sit down across from her and pulling out smaller books skimming through them.
" it's quite a a lot"
" I had Emily one of my best scholars go to different villages, looking through their libraries" she opens one of the biggest book skimming over the words " I didn't tell her what it was for but I think she did a good job"
" so what's the plan for the rest of the village?"
" we made two different evacuation plans, one is Tia and the others will take the boys and everyone else who doesn't want to fight on a boat. They'll head to a far off village across the waters. The other plan is that they'll head through the woods to Kayla's village. She said everyone who wants to may seek refuge in her village. I filled her on the evacuation plans."
" it's great I don't know what my brother is planning so it's good to have that back up there"
" do you know cat I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to stay you could always travel with the evacuated group"
" no way" I immediately shake my head " I'm not letting you guys fight my war. Zane may have brought Hayden's gate into it but at the end he wants me"
" I thought I would give it a shot" she sighs
Continuing to skim the pages. I follow her lead reading, headlines through my book.

I've been fighting myself all day. How could Alice put Me with the evacuation group? I know she thinks I'm the best person to take care of and protect her boys but I want to be able to help here I would be a big asset to the fight. Anger rumbles within me. Even though I haven't made many friends at the village Catrina and I have become quite close. Dare I say she's like a sister, I've never had.
I never thought it would come to this Me running away from my fears once once again. It seems like I'm always running. I slam my dirty brown boots on the muddy Lakeside. Frustration rack my brain. I need to talk to her. I need her to see if I'm here I would be more use. Plus she has many other guards and trusted friends that would be able able to protect the boys.
I stand making my way to Alice house and that's when I smell him. I can smell his arrogant From down the hill. What the hell is Zane doing here? I quickly walked my way up the stairs, and Shernoff he's walking up to the front door.
" well, if it isn't Bellamy" instantly hearing his voice send a ping of rage down my spine.
" what do you want?"
" oh, we're not in the mood for small talk" he looks offended. I want to take his smug smile, and-
" what are you doing here?" I don't have time for his silly little games. If he's going to cause of war, anyways, I might as well kill him now.
" you should watch you're talking to you have really no idea what I'm capable of"
" nobody wants you here saying you need to leave"
" and who's gonna make me you?" he pauses, raising one of his eyebrows. " no, that's right you're all barking and no BITE" why did he say it like that?
" you..." I can't even finish my sentence before he interrupts me. He leans forward narrowing his eyes.
"Ruff" his narrow eyes look at me, and the satisfied smirk on his lips, makes him pull back.
" if you-"
" you'll what kill me?" He tilts his head expectantly.
" yes" I say this dryly the anger boiling and a pit of my stomach.
" you're truly a monster and plain sight" that's it. I have no control over what my body does. I feel my eyes shifted from a hue of dark brown To gold. I feel my fangs and claws extract faster than they ever had. In an instant I was lunging at him. I knocked him so far he busted through the front door but I didn't care. I had no care in the world, but to rip that smirk off his face.... Literally....

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