Chapter 15

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Hey Guys! Crescent Rider here and I am back with another chapter! I won't say much, except that this chapter is the second part of the Alien Conqueror Arc.

A lot of things were planned and I intend to show it here and in the next chapter.

That is all and enjoy the chapter!

Bang's Dojo

Once served with today's lunch, everyone dug in and the one who expressed the most delight was Seaweed when her lunch was combined with some daifuku.

It may not be candy, but Seaweed isn't too picky. A lesson she learned from Kombu was when she tried to not eat vegetables.

"This is sweet, Bang-san. Where did you buy it?" Seaweed asked while her mouth was full,

Kombu wouldn't scold her for talking with a full mouth, but she did occasionally wipe her mouth with a napkin.

"Why it's from a vendor I know," Bang revealed, "Though they're handmade, they bring out the best taste of traditional sweets. Even now, children would often flock around and buy some themselves,"

"Can you tell me where it is?" Seaweed asked after she swallowed her food,

"No," Bang sternly declined, much to Seaweed's dismay, "I had heard from your sister that you said a foul word when you challenged Genos-kun. And with your age, that word was inappropriate and her punishment is just. Once it passes, only then will I tell you,"

"And don't even think about using your psychic powers on him," Kombu warned, "The moment you do, I will extend that week to two,"

With that, Seaweed was down by not having any sweets for a week.

"Serves you right," Genos bluntly commented,

"Hey! Just because I've punished her, doesn't mean I'll let you berate her," Kombu stated, "Don't forget, she beat you in a race without Mew's assistance or mine,"

Normally, Genos would retort to her comment. But seeing the logic and the reason, he chose to remain silent rather than be sore about it.

"To punish one's sibling, yet defend her still. An admirable quality you've earned as a human, Kombu-san," Bang praised,

"It's part of being responsible," Kombu said, "I gain insight from what I read and learn, use what's naturally appropriate, and ensure that I don't take things too far,"

She turns to Seaweed, and caresses the top of her head, "But the last thing I want is for her to resent me,"

Bang shuts his eyes and silently agrees to her words. It caused him to reminisce about the times when his dojo was once filled with students. Much like Kombu, he would act appropriately when a disciple requires guidance or discipline and ensure that his actions won't cross any lines.

But one student, in particular, came into mind and he pondered about that incident whenever he reminisced the old days of his dojo.

Speaking of old days, Bang would stand after he finished his lunch and put his hands behind his back, "That reminds me, would you all like a demonstration of my Martial Arts? During your first visit here, I wasn't able to show it,"

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