Episode 11: L is for Long Spanking

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Lucy Miller truly hated being spanked more than anything in the world. Not because of the pain, though that was a major factor in it. Not because of the embarrassment, she was raised by a single mother, so she was used to doing a lot of things with her. Whether it was just relaxing in her panties, she had been given baths by the woman, nursed from her, so even though she was 13 years old she never got embarrassed when her panties came down for a spanking. No the worst part of her spankings was how bloody long they could take. Her mother had a different way to her spankings than any other kid, Lucy had even known. Most parents would take their kid aside, scold them for what they had done wrong, or might even ask why they are gonna get a spanking? Underwear, briefs or panties would come down or stay up, some went over their parent's lap, some got it standing up, on their back, laying over the couch. With hand, brush, spoon, paddles, straps, switches, whatever they needed or deserved to get a spanking. It would last for most kids 10 to 50 swats depending on age or even just 3 to 6 minutes sometimes.

However, her mother Valeria Miller was much different, cause she only spanked her daughter once a week. Saturday night before the new week dawned (if you think Monday is the first day of the week is fine, but I was raised with Sunday being the first day of the week). She kept track of all the bad things that Lucy had done throughout the week, from mumbled swear words, behavior at church, not listening to rules, breaking rules. Being caught still awake even after being told to go to sleep. Not doing homework, her grades coming back. All things that could get a spanking on the spot, her mother would just write down. Make a large show of showing that she is writing them down. Each naughty act could add more time to a spanking.

And boy did Lucy add so much to her weekly spanking than even she could have predicted. Her mother had come into her bedroom after her evening shower, and sat down reading the list of things that Lucy had done to get a spanking this week. It seemed to keep going on and on, sometimes that she did at school even being on them. How her mother had gotten her hands on that information was something she could not quite figure out. Her antics in the girl's locker room, not listening to her science teaching and being a bit reckless in his class. It seemed like her mother had gone to all her teachers... oh wait now she knew what happened. Parent teacher's conferences were Thursday, she had been more interested in playing soccer in the gym with the other kids than caring about what her teachers might be saying.

Lucy seemed to get smaller and smaller with each thing her mother read off from her list. "Oh wait, I think this might be the best one on this list." Her mother said sternly. "You also said and I quote this that old guidance counselor of yours, Mrs. Flowers." She coughed a few times before doing a terrible impression of Lucy's voice. "You are annoying my soul, shut the freak up and leave me alone!"

"She kept harassing me to get to class."

"And why were you taking your time getting to class in the first place?" Lucy closed her mouth tight and just shrugged her shoulders. Her mother let out a rather long breath from her noise. "Ten reports of naughtiness from school, two counts of not paying attention in church and being on your phone, five accounts of being on your phone past bedtime, four swear words out loud, seven mumbled. Five accounts of being late coming home, 10 accounts of attitude, you didn't do your chores three times, and finally we have to deal with you trying to pull a fast one on me. When you stole 20 dollars from your purse, try to make it seem like I dropped it so you could keep it when you found it, did you think I wouldn't notice, young lady?"


Her mother sighed once more. "One of your worst weekly reports I have seen in a very long time, probably in two years, sweetie." That made Lucy look down towards the ground, she did have to admit that she might have gone a bit overboard this week. Just was in her head for a very long time that week over her kinda little boyfriend, Jake was not being very nice lately. Young love was complicated, and if he made her sad, than everyone would be miserable. "So it looks like you are gonna be over my lap for a very long time today, young lady. It has been a long time since I have given you a truly long spanking, so you know what to do and I will be in the living room."

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