Chapter 2- There's No Turning Back

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*Mark's POV*

Chad picked us up some time ago, and we're in the middle of Arkansas. We stop at a gas station, and I grab us some snacks. I spot a newspaper, and it's talking about the hurricane that will soon hit Florida. It says that Florida is in "immediate danger." I can't back out now, as storm chasers and such face the danger. I can't back out since Chad never backs out. I have to do this. What if the fans are disappointed in me?

I ignored those thoughts as I came back out to the car to fill up the gas. They cannot know that a guy who has experience with these kinds of things is scared. They cannot know that I'm scared of basically wind and rain. Why can't I be cool about my fear instead of crying in a gas station bathroom?

*Time Skip*

We're in Georgia now, and I see newspapers in every gas station and store we've been to, and they're all about the hurricane. It's still a Category Three, but it's making it's way to Category Four level. As We cross the state line, I realize that we're basically here. There's no turning back now.

*Time Skip*

We arrive at the hotel we're staying at. Chad left to find another hotel so he could sleep, but far from the hurricane. He didn't want to end up in a situation he didn't sign up for.

"This hotel is nice." I say as Matt and I unpack our bags. My voice cracks unexpectedly. It's probably from whatever crying episode I had in Arkansas.

"Are you alright?" Matt asks me. I nod, but I can't completely lie. "Just a little nervous." I reply. "After all, this isn't storm chasing. We're going to be in the storm."

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous too." He replies. "I hope it doesn't flood."

"We'll get hit, but it shouldn't flood here." I say as I look at my phone. Matt's shoulders relax a little at the news.

*Time Skip*

That night, I leave the hotel room as Matt is asleep on the other bed. I stare at the night sky, the cool breeze against my arms. I know that this peace won't last forever. Speaking of, I hate thinking that I should do every idea that comes to mind. I thought we should do this since we chased tornadoes by ourselves. That went well, but I forgot that this was a whole other type of storm. Chad kept asking us if we were sure, and we kept saying yes. He reluctantly agreed after a bit. By the look on his face though, he could tell we slightly regretted our decisions. I decide to call him.

"Hey! How's the hotel?" I ask, mustering up as much enthusiasm in my voice that I can at midnight.

"It's nice. Don't lie Mark. I can tell that you aren't that enthusiastic about the trip." Chad says. He's talking about my tone of voice.

"Fine. I'm a bit nervous." I say, and he laughs.

"I knew it." He says. "You guys have learned a lot, so I think you can do this. If it gets too dangerous, please leave if you can."

"Will do!" I say as I walk back into the hotel, and I almost run into Matt.

Hurricane Mark- Natural Disasters Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now