Chapter 10- I Spy My Little Eye Something Called Land!

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*Mark's POV.*
We're both silent on the "boat" now. I honestly regret being rude to Matt, especially after he started saying some true things. I really should cut down on the pity parties.

Matt, despite his annoyance at me from earlier, tries to lighten the mood with a game of I-Spy.

"I spy my little eye the color green." He says, and I point to my shirt.

"There's nothing else to look at that's green. Everything else is under the water.

"I spy my little eye something pink." I say. I wanted to make the game harder on purpose. Somehow there's a pink toy floating in the water in the distance.

"There's a phone." Matt says as we pass by and he picks it up. "It's my phone."

"You can't just claim other things that aren't ours because-" I start, but he interrupts.

"Look at the lock screen wallpaper. It's my phone." I take a glance and it really is.

We don't have it for long though, because Matt accidentally drops in in the water.

We're rowing along as the afternoon hits. Matt breaks the silence. I'm glad, because it was getting too quiet.

"I spy my little eye on-" He starts, but changes the subject. "Land! I see land Mark!"

Sure enough, the water was decreasing, and there was land in the distance. We row much faster, and we slow down when we arrive. Matt gets off first, and I notice how many rescue workers are here. It takes me a moment to get used to being on solid ground.

"Do you two need help? I notice that you just arrived." Someone asks. "How long have you been out there?"

"I'm pretty sure a few days." I explain.

"Whatever happened... Here, take some of this cream." He hands us some cream for our faces. I forgot that we washed our faces with the flood water. We get clean clothes, and after a minute we're walking around to see if they have food.

"I hate plain oatmeal. At least we've got food." Matt grumbles.

"Yeah. When you're hungry, you're hungry." I agree.

We eat the oatmeal in silence, grateful to both be on land. I have one thought in my head.

Is it possible to get out of here and find service to call Chad?

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