Chapter 11- The Trip to the State Border

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*Matt's POV*

Mark knew that all of the highways would be filled with emergency vehicles, so even if we could find a public phone in this area, Chad wouldn't be able to reach us.

Because of that, we decided to leave the place we stopped at and walk North. We wanted to get to Northern Florida, perhaps even towards Georgia if we could.

We've been walking for a while and our feet hurt. We stopped under a tree as the sun was setting. Im guessing this is where we'll sleep for the night.

*Time Skip*

We woke up, and began walking again. This reminded me of a lesson I learned in school. We came across two abandoned- yet in good condition- bikes, and we decided to use them. We got around much faster.

I was thinking of a few things as I watched the scenery around us change constantly. How do we plan to eat? Do public phones cost money? Mark and I were thinking of answers.

"We could ask an employee or busniess if there's one in the area to use their phone." He suggests. "We'll need money for food."

We stopped our mission to get to the state border to look for change on the ground. At the end of the day, we found a quarter, two dimes, a nickel, and 3 pennies. 53 cents. We needed much more to get food for the two of us.

*Time Skip*

The next day a car stopped by us as we were walking. Our bikes turned up missing when we woke up, so we were stuck with walking.

"Do you guys need a ride? It'll be another 45 minutes drive-wise before you find any stores or anything." The guy asked. I didn't care that this guy was a stranger. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Can you drive us near the state border?" I ask.

"Sure! You got money for it?" He asked.

"Uh-" Mark starts.

"Just kidding! You look like you came from the hurricane. Hop in!" The guy jokes, but neither one of us feel like joking.

We hop in the car and we're on the road. It feels weird being in a car though it's only been a few days since we were in one. We buckle up, not daring to sleep, since we're in for a long drive with a random stranger.

"I can get you to a city an hour from the state border." He says. "It's where I'm headed to." Mark nods, and we just awkwardly sit there.

*Time Skip*

"Though you two were in the hurricane, you don't smell as bad as the last person I dropped off before coming to you." The guy says as he sprays Febreeze.

"Uh, sorry?" Mark says in confusion. He laughs it off.

"It's okay." He says, and I look at Mark. This guy is weird, and I want to leave the car. I don't feel like walking though.

He buys us snacks, which we make sure not to eat like savages despite how hungry we are.

*Time Skip*

We're finally an hour from the state border, because he drops is off at a Kroger. We attempt to wash our hair with the soap in the bathroom before we got caught and kicked out.

We walk and find a bus. Weirdly, it's only a quarter for each person. Mark and I look at eachother. We both have enough to be on the bus. We run to the bus before it leaves, and we get on just in time.

"Where are you headed?" The driver as I pay for us.

"To the bottom of Georgia. Y'know, the state border." Mark explains.

"Good. Hop on, that's where I'm headed." The driver says, and we quickly find seats.

*Time Skip*

It's nighttime when we arrive, and we get off the bus. We look for some change since there's only a payphone in sight. Mark does the calling and I lean against the pay phone I hope Chad picks up.

Hurricane Mark- Natural Disasters Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now