Chapter 12- The Call From Mark

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*Chad's POV*
I hear my phone ring as I'm eating in a restaurant with one of my friends. I pick up the phone, unsure if the number is a scam number or not.

"Hello? Chad? It's Mark." A voice says on the other end. It takes me sometime to register what he said.

"Hold on a minute." I say. "Mark?"

"Yeah it's me. Matt and I are at a payphone in Southern Georgia. We're at the state border." He says.

"Did you guys get to a safer area and not have service, or were you in the hurricane?" I ask.

"We were in it. Flooding included." He answers, and I listen to the whole story. I'm glad they're okay and such, but I think the whole idea was stupid. If you think about it, putting yourself in a Category 4 hurricane isn't the brightest idea. Especially when you have the chance to cancel the plan if you wanted to.

"Mark, why do you always carry on with your ideas, even when they're stupid?" I ask. "I should have stopped you, but still."

"Honestly, I don't know. It looks like I won't be doing this ever again." Mark answers.

"Yeah, please stick to something you're actually smart about." I hear Matt say in the background. I'm laughing with them on the phone.

"Hey Chad, how are you? Matt asks.

"Doing better now that I know where you guys are at, and you?" I answer honestly.

"I'm hungry. Can you pick us up and bring cheeseburgers? Mark and I had an argument about it some days ago." Matt asks.

"Yeah sure. I'll start driving in about an hour so I can cook them." I offer.

"I'll pay for gas money." Mark says.

"With 15 cents?" Matt asks.

I get off the phone with them after sometime, and I leave to go cook the burgers. I'm relieved they're okay, as they've still got a sense of humor. At the same time though, I'm starting to learn that they've got a knack for getting themselves into situations they shouldn't be in.

Have I ever told you about the time where a police chase was going on? They ran at the wrong time and thd police almost arrested them, thinking they were criminals.

What about the time Mark drove onto a frozen lake?

Yeah, um, I'm going to be keeping a look out on them more often.

Hurricane Mark- Natural Disasters Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now