Chapter 9- Where Are They?

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*Chad's POV*
I call Mark for the millionth time in the last day. I already changed my ringtone 2 times from how much I've called him. I don't know what's gotten into me, but something keeps telling me I should call him.

It worries me a little since it's been a few days since I've heard from him. Maybe he lost service? Maybe they were in traffic? No, they would have hitchhiked if the car ran our of gas, or they'd be far away enough from the area by now. Wouldn't they have service by now then?

I turn on the TV, and the news is the first thing that comes on. I don't remember already having that on, unless I was watching it last night without realizing it.

"Hurricane Mark has done catastrophic damage." The news lady says. "The flood waters are so high, roofs are under water at the moment. Rescue teams are doing everything they can to save those stuck in the aftermath."

They're not doing enough. I think to myself. I wonder what area this is. They began naming all of the cities and such affected by the storm.

I suddenly remembered that Matt and I shared locations, but I hadn't gotten around to asking Mark. I turn on my phone, and I see no service from Matt. It randomly shows where he's at, and I hope it's joking. That area is underwater. He might not be there though, because it hasn't moved. He probably lost his phone.

So they really are there? Something must've happened because they're not this stupid. I say a little prayer that they manage to get out of it alive. If they can of course, since neither of them know how to swim.

What was Mark thinking in the first place?

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