Chapter 7- The Realism Sets in

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*Mark's POV*
The hurricane has died down quite a bit. I'm pretty sure it's over this time. I stare out into the water, and I think about Chad. Oh, and how many bodies could be in the water.

"If it gets too dangerous, please leave if you can." Chad's voice rings through my mind. I stare out into the water as the morning becomes filled with clouds.

Is it raindrops, or my own tears? My vision is clouded by droplets of water. I think about Chad once more, and I realize we're in the situation Chad didn't want us in.

Matt sits next to me. I hate telling him my problems. I want him to think of me as the superhero he saw me as when we were younger. I don't want him to know that his leader is imperfect too. We're both adults, so that's impossible to. We both have problems too.

"Matt, you ever feel like you've failed someone? I ask. He nods.

"I feel like I've failed Chad. I'm not supposed to be scared. I mean, how can you be scared when you've been on countless storm chases? Chad told me to get out of the storm when it gets too dangerous, and look where we're at now." I explain.

"I feel the same way. I feel like I've failed the both of you, by living up to the stereotyped expectations of the youngest and being scared of everything." Matt explains.

"The thing is. I can't keep having pity parties. I've got to be alive for you no matter what happens. I promised myself that, and now I've got to live up to those expectations." I say. "But no matter what happens, things will get better I guess.

"Yeah." Matt says, sounding irritated.

"Yeah." I agree to try and lighten the mood.

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