Chapter 3- Hurricane Warnings

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*Matt's POV*

I jolt up in the bed, covered in sweat. I look around the room at my surroundings. I'm still not entirely sure that we're in the hotel room, so I pinch myself.

"Ow." I say as I pinch a bit too hard. I look over my shoulder to make sure I didn't wake Mark. I take a second look, and notice that he isn't here.

So it was real? My thoughts seem jumbled around as I try to make sense of what's real and what's fake. He really did die. We're in the future now.

I look at the time, and something doesn't make sense. If yesterday there was no hurricane, how could Mark even be dead?

There's an answer for that. It had to have been a dream. A dream in which we were driving around when the hurricane came to a stopping point, oblivious to the fact that more of the wind and rain was coming. Out of nowhere, wind pushes the car very fast. The dream skips to where Mark and I are stranded on a roof and Mark falls off. He never makes it back to the roof.

I stare out the window and spot Mark sitting on the front steps. It looks like he's talking to someone on the phone. I walk downstairs to the front doors of the hotel to make sure he's really alive. Just as I reach out to open the door, he opens the door and looks at me.

"Hey Matt." He says. "What are you doing awake?"

"Um, making sure you were alive." I answer honestly. I hate lying to him, but this time I wish I lied instead.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and I tell him about the dream I had, and that turns into a discussion.

"Sorry if I scared you." He apologizes. "I called Chad so he knows how we're doing."

The two of us try to get some sleep since a late-night worker told us that the hurricane will hit tomorrow.

* Time Skip*

We both jolt awake to hurricane warnings on our phones and constant knocking on the door. Mark goes to answer the door and I turn the alerts off for the moment. I look out the window, and it's so pretty outside, with the blue sky and everything. What could be going on right now?

"Hi, I'm one of the housekeepers here." The lady at the door says to Mark. "You must've heard about the hurricane, as I heard multiple alerts going off of phones all over this building. Anyways, we're giving out free evacuations, airplane style, so you can get somewhere else quicker."

Free evacuations, in an airplane? I'd like one myself! I start to say something but Mark cuts me off.

"Um, we don't need one. Thank you." He says and the lady looks at us with confusion. Neither one of us feel like getting into a long story about our plan so we pack our stuff since the hotel is closing, which means we're forced to leave.

My weather app says that it will happen around tonight, so I start streaming as we leave the hotel. I tell Mark, and he shrugs.

"That'll be fun. Wind, rain, and flying debris when you can't even see?" He says sarcastically. "Besides that, it should be pretty cool to witness."

"Good point." I mumble, a little annoyed at how he was complaining about his own idea. I could tell he was trying to play it off for the stream, but I knew where he would go with that if I hadn't started streaming.

We walk around and find a tall spot to be when the storm hits. It's one of those parking garages that have multiple floors on them. We planned to stay here in case it floods. We were going to walk somewhere else, but we didn't want to be even closer to where the storm will mainly hit. Too close to where we can't leave.

I notice the clouds rolling in from the direction of the ocean. The wind gets a little breezy as we make our way to the top. When we get to the top, a few guys come up to us. Their names are Jake and Levi, and they're fans. Mark seems a little worried, since he's more concerned about safety, especially when it comes to fans wanting to copy us without knowing anything about storm chasing and such. At least they're official storm chasers like Chad. They've also done this before.

"So, how many times have you guys stayed during a hurricane like this?" Mark asks them and I show the stream the crazy amount of wind that had hit the area. The palm trees are swaying much more.

As nightfall starts to arrive, the wind gets worse. We store everything in Jake and Levi's car, and I watch the first rain droplets hit the side of the garage. Then I hear the loudest gust of wind I've ever heard, and thats when I know the hurricane has hit.

Hurricane Mark- Natural Disasters Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now