Chapter 5

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pipers pov:

Tara: "Wait up piper please." She yelled.

I couldn't stop crying, why did Johnnie have this much of a affect on me? Eventually Tara gave me a long hug.

I really wanted to go home but I knew I could t bail on everyone like that.

Piper: " i'm sorry" i said in a low tone.

Tara: " There's nothing to be sorry about piper. Johnnie's being a asshole and that's not ur fault okay? How about we go to the spa I saw one as i was walking?

I agreed and we spent what felt like hours. Thats when Jake texted Tara.

Tara's pov:

Jake: "Hey we don't have to film the video if you and piper aren't up to it."

Tara: " Yea pipers really upset. We can film a different day."

I showed piper the text she she agreed. To say the least I really felt bad for her you know? She's been through so much and Johnnie's not helping.

After are massage we all walked back to the car. I sat next to piper in the back as i assumed she wouldn't want to sit with Johnnie.

After a long car ride Jake finally dropped us off. Nobody said a word we both just got out the car and walked inside.

Pipers pov:

We finally made it home after what felt like a horrible day. I didn't say anything to Tara. Instead I just walked upstairs to my room.

I decided that I was going to take a shower and get out of these clothes.

Shower skip!!

I got out the shower and put on a mcr shirt and some shorts and went to lay down in bed. I decided to scroll on my phone for a little when i got a text from Johnnie

Johnnie: Hey i'm outside can we talk?

Piper: sure i'll be out in a minute

Johnnie liked message.

I walked outside and saw johnnie standing there. He looked tired like he hadn't gotten any sleep. But damn he looked hot.

Johnnie: " Piper i'm so sor-

Piper: " Why johnnie? Why did you block me out of ur life. Did I mean anything to you?"

Johnnie: " Piper i'm sorry I just had a lot going on.."

Piper: " Then you could've talked to me instead of not saying anything and telling the bitch that you met at the fair!"

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me, He looked ashamed and guilty. I felt bad. I just blew up at him but yk what he deserved it.

Johnnie: " Piper i'm sorry i wish we could restart."

Piper: " fine let's restart. Hi i'm piper nice to meet you" I said sticking out my hand giving him a little smile.

Johnnie: " Hi i'm Johnnie nice to meet you too"

Piper: " How about we go inside it's pretty could out here?"

He agreed and followed me inside. We walked in my room and sat down in my bed.

Piper: " Do you wanna watch a movie?"

Johnnie: " Sure."

I put on a random movie and we layed down together.

511 words^^

Sorry for another short chapter but at least they made up!

Hope you guys are liking the story and thank you so much for all the reads!!

Love you all so much💗

✧.* I need you ✧.* Johnnie gilbert x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt