chaper 7

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Pipers pov:

I had woken up next to Johnnie and to be honest I loved waking up next to him. He was always so warm. Anyways I guess Johnnie had woken up first because i saw him on his phone

Johnnie: "Morning sleepy head." He said. His voice was raspy like he had just gotten up not to long ago

I groaned and dug my head in his chest. I guess I had fallen asleep again because I herd the sounds of pots and pans banging against each other. I opened my eyes and saw jake standing there with the pots in his hand.

Jake: " Time to wake up sleepy head" He said in his momma bear voice.

I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs. I saw tara in a beautiful white dress.

Piper: " What's going on?"

Tara: " Jake I thought you told her!"


Tara: " Welll where going out to dinner so go get dressed!"

She rushed me upstairs and showed me a pretty red dress that she really wanted me to wear for some reason.

I quickly put it on and did my hair and makeup. I kept it simple since it was just a dinner. I rushed downstairs trying to put on my heels.

Jake: " Finally someone's done we've been wanting forever!"

Piper: " Well sorry that someone just woke up!"

We all got in the car and drove to a fancy restaurant. I felt Johnnie's eyes on me the entire time.

Tara: " Piper were also meeting some people so don't be nervous!"

After her saying that it made me more nervous. What if they won't like me? What if they think that im ugly?

I guess time goes by fast because we were already at the restaurant. We all got out the car and walked toward the check in desk.

we found are table pretty quick cuz there was only one big group there. We walked over and a saw a few people I recognized but not a lot.

Colby: " Hey i'm colby" He said while looking me up and down while winking at me.

I was. confused but still said hi since I didn't want to be rude. There was also his best friend Sam. He was blond with blue eyes. He was wearing a nice black and white suit.

I looked over and saw and girl, Her name was Brooklyn, brook for short. She seemed to be all over Johnnie but i didn't really say anything.

As we all sat down and talked for a little bit it seemed like this brook girl did not like me. She kept giving me weird looks and looking at me up and down.

The waiter came over and asked everyone what we wanted.

Piper: " I'll get the chicken pasta!"

Brook: " Your gonna eat all that? You're already getting fat."

I was shocked that she said that. But it was like nobody heard her?

Piper: " You know what i'll just get a salad."

Johnnie: " Are you sure?" He whispered.

Piper: " Yea it's fine i'm not really that hungry."

After everyone ordered we all talked for a little bit more. The food finally came out and I wasn't too excited. But brook was right I was getting fat. We all started eating when brook turned to me.

Brook: " Looks like you took my advice. Getting the salad was a good idea. Even though you shouldn't even be eating but it's your choice"

She said it like she never had a care in the world about what she said to people.

Piper: " Yk what i'm done! I'm not gonna let you sit here and comment about my body, So yk what fuck you"

I got up and left. I actually had nowhere to go since Jake drove me here but anywhere would be better than there.

Tara: "Piper wait up please" She said. She sounded like she really cared.

I turned around and I just broke down in her arms. I didn't even have to say anything. Tara ordered us a cab and we just left.

Tara's pov:

I felt bad for piper. And I hated brook, like I can't believe she would even say that to her. It was so out of line.

As soon as Piper got up I followed her.

Tara: "Piper wait up please"

She turned around and didn't even say anything. I gave her a hug as she cried in my arms. I felt bad and I wanted to make things right. I ordered us a cab and we left.

Tara: " Hey i'm taking Piper home and i'm going with her I don't want her to feel alone."

Jake: " Okay sounds good do you want me to stop by with Johnnie?"

Tara: " No it's okay go home, I'm gonna watch some movies with piper and order us a pizza."

Jake: " okay sounds good"

We got into the cab and I held on to piper as she had fallen asleep in my arms.

Pipers Pov:

We had gotten into the cab and I think I fell asleep because I felt tara shaking me awake. We got out the car and walked inside.

Tara: " Go put ur pajamas on and come back downstairs, We're gonna watch movies and order pizza."

Tara never failed to put a smile on my face, It was like everything felt better with her. She was my comfort person and I was hers.

I got changed and walked back downstairs. We watched movies together, laughed and ate pizza. I checked my phone and it was already 2am.

Piper: " We should head to bed it's getting late."

Tara: " Okay, go get some rest I'll clean all this up!"

Piper: "Okay got night love you"

Tara: "Love you too."

She gave me a hug and walked downstairs. I got into bed and started scrolling on my phone for a little bit when I decided to post a picture that I took of me and tara in are dresses.

 I got into bed and started scrolling on my phone for a little bit when I decided to post a picture that I took of me and tara in are dresses

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Caption: With my confort person!
like by Johnnieguilbert, Jakewebber,Tarayummy see more...
tarayummy:Love you girl💗

xopiper: Love you moree❤️

user7263: Stop there so pretty!

user6352: There gorg🫶🏼

user0937: Eww wtf

I shut off my phone and went to sleep. Or tried, I couldn't sleep. I kept thing of what happened. Eventually I fell asleep.

1053 words^^


Should a make a new story with same, colby or jake?? Lmkkk anyways love you ❤️🫶🏼

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