chapter 6

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Pipers pov:

I guess i fell asleep but i didn't even notice. That's when i felt something heavy on my chest, i looked down and saw Johnnie laying there. He looked so peaceful but I needed to wake him up.

Piper: " Johnnie wake up"

Johnnie: " Five more minutes please" He said. His voice was raspy and honesty very hot.

I agreed and let him lay there for a couple more minutes. I didn't even realize it but I had fallen asleep again! That's when i woke up to Tara jumping on.

Tara: " Piper come on get ready where going out"

Piper: " Ok, okay i'm coming just stop jumping."

After she finally got off I went to go and take a shower. I saw myself in the mirror and I looked horrible.

My hips
My hair
My stomach

God i looked awful. I shook those thought and went to go take a shower. I got out the shower and decided that I was gonna go with something simple.

I put on a black long sleeve shirt was a black miniskirt and some fuzzy boots. Then I did my makeup. I went with something simple again cuz I didn't wanna go all out.

When I walked downstairs I saw Jake, Johnnie and tara sitting on the couch talking. Damn Johnnie looked hot.

Tara: " Girl you look so pretty!" She yelled.

I liked getting compliments from Tara. She was like the prettiest girl i new so it was nice getting them from her because it made me feel so confident.

Piper: " Girl you look gorgeous!"

That's when I saw Johnnie looking me up and down. He look like he was amazed and then he smiled at me. I smiled and we all headed in Jake's car.

We had gotten to the party and the house was ginormous. It had a black gate and two black doors. We all got out the car when I felt someone hand holding mine.

I looked up and saw Johnnie. I smiled to myself and wondered if he actually liked me.

Tara: " Piper let's go get some drinks!"

Piper: " Okay sure!!"

we got to the drinks table and she grabbed us to shots. We took them at the same time and both made and face that made us laugh. Soon enough we where both drunk.

We started dancing together when I felt someone's eyes piercing my skin. I looked around but i didn't see anyone.

Tara: " Hey are you okay?"

Piper: " Yea i'm fine" I shot her a smile.

That's when I felt someone's arms snake around my body. I thought it was Johnnie so I didn't really care. I turned around to see some guy who I didn't recognize.

??: " hey" He smirked

His breath reeked of achole. I pushed him off of me but he kept resisting. Now I started to panic. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't see Tara anywhere.

Johnnie: " Yo dude she said get off of her" He said as he pushed the man to the floor.

??: " So that's your little slut?"

The next thing I know is Johnnie punching the shit out of him. I tried to yank him off but it wouldn't.

I guess Jake and Tara saw what was going on and they rushed over. Jake was much more of help because he was able to get Johnnie off the guy.

The guy was bleeding and there was blood all over Johnnie. We all rushed out of the and drove back home. Jake and Tara went to her room while I helped Johnnie get cleaned up.

Piper: " Why did you do that for me?" I looked at him with worried eyes.

Johnnie: " Because you matter to me."

Then he kissed me. It was like we both needed the kiss. I finished cleaning him up and we layed down on my bed. Then we both fell asleep.

Time skipp

It was the next morning and I used my arm to look for Johnnie but I couldn't find him. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from him.

Johnnie: Hey I went home to go film with Jake but i'll be over later I promise.

Piper hearted the message.

I looked at the time and saw it was already 2:00. I sighed and got out of bed. I walked out my room and saw ibuprofen on the counter. I grabbed some water and took the pill.

I decided to go and take a shower to get ready for my day. I decided that I was going to wear a simple misfits shirt and some shorts. I decided that I wasn't going to do anything special with my hair and threw it up in a bun.

A couple hours later Jake and Johnnie came by. Me and him where talking for a little bit and we both decided that we where going to stream together since I haven't in a while.

Johnnie: " Hey guys it's Johnnie! Today I am here with the lovely Piper."

User372: Omg she's so pretty

User202: her and Johnnie would make such a cute couple

User0284: Eww she ugly

We talked on stream and answered some questions. Johnnie pulled out his guitar and I decided that I was going to leave the stream aka sit on my bed.

He started singing to them and his voice was beautiful. I could listen to him forever but little did I know it I was still in frame.

User636: Omg do you see the way piper is looking at him

User836: Stoppp this is too cutee

User525: She better not try and take are Johnnie.

A little later Johnnie ended his stream.

Johnnie: " I think everyone liked you."

Piper: " Really? I was so nervous".

Johnnie: " Don't worry you where amazing." He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

We decided that we where going to watch a movie.

Piper: "Let's watch Hunger games!"

Johnnie: " What's that?"

Piper: "Have you never seen it? It amazing!"

We both agreed on and started watching it. Soon enough we both fell asleep.

1013 words^^

I finally made it to 1000 words!!!!

Thank you so much for all the reads I love you all 💗

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