Chapter 2

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"You look like a disaster, what the actual fuck happened? " Amelia is shocked by my condition. It's been 2 weeks, and I have finished the book series. Right now, I am sitting with Amelia, who was worried because I disappeared completely for 2 weeks and insisted on meeting today. The coffee shop is busy, and We can hear a group of people laughing beside us.
'A broken glass' left me broken. I loved the characters and the plot, especially the male lead. With each line, my hopes of finding true love scattered. But it's okay. It's fine. At least I am alive. Though I don't look so.
"The book was awesome." I give a stupid grin. Our coffees are served. If it had been any late,  I would have eventually fallen unconscious. Caffeine was my only partner throughout the nights when I was reading books.
"You read that book day and night sil, You turned off your phone for 2 whole weeks, and we were so worried for you, Are you insane?" I just laugh at Amelia's expression.

"You shouldn't worry so much, I am fine," I assure her.

"Fine?" She crosses her arm around her chest, and I know what will happen now."Of course, you are fine, I mean, look at you, you look so fabulous,  don't you? The heavy dark circles that can be seen from miles away, swollen eyes so puffy that I can barely see your eyeball, And the way your skin is glowing,  isn't it? " Ouch. Each word was dipped in sarcasm.

"At least I felt alive for some time." I sip my coffee and let the caffeine help me stay alive.

"Sil, I need you to take care of your fucking health. You need to be more careful." She is worried, and I can sense it.

"I know. I will." Maybe one day it will matter. A comfortable silence wraps around us as we take sips of our coffee.

The past two weeks were a great escape for me. Something that made me feel good to be alive. For some time, I could believe that I was in a place where things were different. Where things are better. Now it's over. Back to the life, I must live until I just can't.

"I thought about the event" I broke the silence.

"And?" Amelia's eyes shine.

"I'm in" I give a smile and Amelia stands up with a loud sound which I do not know how to describe and hugs me almost squeezing the life out of me.

"It would be so much fun, it's next week." She says louder than it should be.

I just laugh.


Bad idea.  It was a bad idea to come here at this event.  I sure do enjoy it when Amelia is around,  But what should I do when someone I don't know but she knows calls her for an emergency that I don't know and she has to leave me around people I don't know saying that I should socialize when I don't know how to do so.
I take another sip of my wine and see people around me making small groups and talking to each other. My face looks much better now, thanks to the foundation and concealer.
The gown I wear touches my skin to my thigh and flows down from there. It's navy blue at the bottom and the color fades to white as it reaches up. Some golden lines start from the bottom and curl up before reaching the top, which makes it look magical. The puffed-up sleeves with the same color style are off my shoulder. My hairs are tied in a beautiful and elegant bun with a golden clutcher with navy blue and white stones embedded perfectly to hold the hair.

It's night and I have nothing to do here. I wish I could leave, but I promised Amelia that I would stay here with her. Jazz music is like honey to the ears, some rich couples on the dance floor dance romantically throwing daggers at my drained-out heart. Do I even have anymore? All I feel is a space---

"My bad" I hear a male voice say with no guilt after they push me and my wine fell all over my gown. What a waste.
I turn around and glare at the person.

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