Chapter 5

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The Golden Lake.
A lake I have always wanted to visit, but never did out of the fear that coming here alone would make me feel alone.
It is well-known for its breathtaking view during the golden hour. Thus, it makes a great place for couples to plan a warm date. Date.
The idea that maybe this is a date lights up something inside my heart, which blows out as soon as the idea hits that it may not be a date and the guy may not show up at all to this.
The wine guy...Aesterope never told me the time at which I should be there, so I came 2 hours before the golden hour. That is 5 p.m. right now. If my research was correct, then the sunset would be seen between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
The sun is bright but not the sort that hits your skin. It's smooth and warm.
The lake spreads across the land, but not too far. Our eyes can hold the length of the lake. My finely ribbed v-neck cream color cropped sweater matches the aesthetic of the maple trees that line across the land and outline the lake.
I found a tree near the lake and spread the picnic blanket. I was forced to bring on the advice of Amelia. Not only that, I was forced to bring a picnic basket with wine, 2 wine glasses, and sandwiches. Apparently, that's what will make this date perfect according to Amelia. I laugh when Amelia's lit-up face comes to my mind.
I sit, and I wait. I turn on my laptop and start typing the new ideas that came to my mind for my book. A few minutes pass by when I hear footsteps approaching me.

"I hope I cause no disturbance to you with my presence, my lady?" Aesterope bows in front of me with one hand on his chest and the other reaching for me with palm side up in courtesy.
His smirk exposed the dimple on his right cheek.
This man wears an off-white turtleneck that is tucked into his cream color trousers.
His hair is like the first time we met, all set up, but that one strand that messily plays around his eyes somehow complements that blue heaven that looks straight into my eyes. His jawline is sharp and visible.
I foolishly smile and place my right hand in his hand as he gives it a little peck. Just a peck and my hands feel lightning rushing up. How will it be if his lips end up in m... no, stop. I have to hold my rushing thoughts.
He sits with his back to the tree and his face directly facing me.

"Finally you came, almost thought you would not come," he says

"How long have you been waiting?"

"6 hours," he smiles and shifts to a different position. His right leg is folded, and the right hand sits on his knee while his left leg is free.

"You are joking." I can't believe a person would ever wait for me for this long, except for Amelia, of course.

"I'm not," he laughs while I look at him, surprised. He continues after a moment. "I saw you coming here, You looked too beautiful to be approached." Another silence and a blush on my cheeks. I am still not used to getting compliments. I am not sure how to react.
When the silence became too hard to bear, he continued, "I see that you have planned very well." His eyes looked through all the stuff Amelia forced.

"Amelia's work, not mine, And I would appreciate your silence as I work," I say, pulling my gaze from him and back to my laptop. It was a test of his patience and a test of my self-control at the same time.

"I will have to thank her then," he says, and I can feel his smirk and gaze right at me.

For the next few hours, there was silence. A warm, comfortable silence that wraps us both carefully, knitting us together as time goes by. His eyes are constantly stuck on me, I could sense it.
How and when 2 hours passed by was a question I didn't seek an answer to.

The first ray of golden hour touched my skin, I pulled my gaze up to the lake, and the view was enchanting.
The breeze turned colder, but the warmth of the sun was felt within every fiber of my body. The beautiful shade of golden reflects in the lake, making this all so magical. Birds flying and chirping. Surprisingly, today, not a single couple or a person was here, just us.

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