Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling the soft mattress beneath me. My head aches with all the tension from earlier. I push myself up with my hand, and the gravity seems to be stronger than usual.
The afternoon sun rays escape from the cover of the curtains and enter my room, blinding me for a few seconds. I look around me, confused about what happened and where am I.
It took my brain some moment to process what happened in my life within a few hours and a few days.
That's right.
I met a guy, He held me when I cried, I met him again, I went on a date, I fell in love, I kissed, I caught a potential stalker who was a threat to my friend, I confronted an unknown psycho who invaded my room, I almost died a few hours ago, I survived, Aesterope helped me and now here I am.
My breathing has gone to its normal pace and so have the beats of my heart. It is indeed quite a surprise as for this whole month that wasn't the case.
I am in my bedroom, where that psycho guy was when I came.
The bedroom door opens slowly and again my heartbeat catches its pace which has become my new normal now.
My eyes squinted to see who entered and the blue ocean made its way through.
A relief settled in the space in my stomach, which was filled with fear, terror, and horror a few hours ago.

"You're up, wine" He gives a soft smile as he sits on the bed facing me.

I have lost my voice and I just blink, wrapping myself in this comfort that has been so unknown to me.
Aesterope tilts his head and places his hand on my forehead.
His touch.
God, I crave it. His hands were as cold as always on my boiling skin. He heals me and all I can do is blink at him slowly feeling a bit dizzy.

"You're burning up, wine, you have a fever" His eyebrows gently knit together as worry lines his face.

"Wine? Is that a new nickname for me?" I smile ignoring everything that keeps bugging me. He withdraws his palm from my forehead. Disappointing.
His grin is wide. His eyes are filled with pride to have kept such a nickname. This is not simply a nickname, it is a memory of how we first met.

"Take rest, I'll be staying with you, here, until you are alright." My body falls to his touch when he tucks me into the blanket.

"Really? That's great. I would love for you to stay here forever." My voice is hoarse. The screaming has its effects.

"I won't be here forever." His dulcet voice speaks the word of bitterness.
My eyes look at him with a question. Waiting for his explanation.
He smiles "Because one day you will be alright and you will no longer need me"

"Bullshit. I love you, I will always need you. Take that back." I demand.

His soft chuckles set free butterflies in my stomach.
He leans closer to my ear.

"Alright, I will be forever with you. I love you, wine" He whispers when his lips brush a soft kiss on my cheek and stands up.
I turn my back to him and close my eyes, letting these words be engraved in my mind.
While the scene from hours ago replayed instead, a question arose and I called out for Aesterope before I heard the door closing.

"Aesterope! " I try to be loud but my voice is like a whisper.

"Yes, wine?" He turns and walks back to kneel on the ground next to the bed.

"How did you know?" I jumped to the main question rather than explaining everything. I shift my body to my side which gives me a clear view of his face.

"How did I know what?" He asks.

"How did you know I was in trouble? How did you know my home address? How did you enter my house? How did you get rid of that psycho?  And where is that guy now?" All the questions came out together, after being locked in for some time.

"Jeez, calm down, wine. I can only answer a question at a time." His soft smile never leaves his face.

"Sorry." I wait for his answer, but he pauses for a few minutes before he speaks again.

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