Chapter 6

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The moment the chain fell, all my fears were somewhere dissolved into the thick air in this deep night.
This time, I pulled him in for a kiss to finish what he started.
Without missing a second, Aesterope's mouth was on mine, and the only thing that helped me not explode with heat was the winds that caressed me.
Aesterope pulled my waist and turned me so my back was on the tree. My hands run through his hair just as his tongue explores every inch of mine.
His left hand slowly and devilishly slips inside my sweater on my waist grazing my skin with his strong hands, leaving an electric sensation through my body on my bare skin, not helping me when the heat of his body can be felt by every fiber of me. I am trapped by him at this point. Not like I want to leave. His right hand is behind my neck, like a missing piece from a puzzle he completes me. I hope I complete him too. His hand soon shifts to the back of my head to protect it from the rough tree. I fall for him more with every move he makes.
He tastes like wine, he must have drunk the wine Amelia forced, the sweet, tender yet strong and dense taste will never leave my mind. This is my favorite wine.
My heart has long gone on a journey of flying inside the ocean.
I try to take as much as I can of him, hoping that it will fix the parts of me that were never really broken but left unfixed. Pieces of me that needed healing, but I never knew because I never felt them broken. Broken parts can be mended with time. You feel them every second of your life. But sometimes there are parts of you that are just hurt and you don't know how to fix them. These parts leave the feeling of emptiness. You know you are not broken, but you don't feel healed.
Aesterope heals the parts of me that were never meant to be fixed by me.
Aesterope pulls my head closer, letting his tongue slide with better ease and the flames licking my skin are now embracing me like growing vines. Slow and pleasant. His heartbeat races with mine as I place my hand on his chest.

"Aestrope," I whisper while pulling back to catch my breath and give my heart time to take all these emotions at once. I want his name to be engraved in my heart and this moment captured so it forever stays in my mind reminding me of the moment when I started living and not just existing.

"Fuck" Aesterope whispers in my ear, it's as deadly as a sweet poison to my ears. And I am not sure if it's his fragrance or the surroundings or the cologne he wears but it cleanses every part of me.
"Never have I loved my name so much before." He again whispers, but this time his lips brush my ears, and I swear my heart is loud enough to be heard by him right now.

I laugh with my head on his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and let my laugh fill all the empty holes I created in my heart. Aesterope's hands hold my waist so firmly yet so softly. I laugh without anything in my mind, just this beautiful moment.
Aesterope joins me with a soft laugh. This close I can see his dimples clearly and a bit of wrinkles that form when he laughs.
The moonlight does nothing to hide the love in the air. I look at the moon thinking of the most obvious line.
"Isn't the moon lovely?"

"It is." Aesterope slides a strand of my hair and tugs it behind my ear "I can die happy"

I look at him with a questioning gaze. He just smiles. His eyes are better in the moonlight.  Like a calm sea during a gloomy night, you would want to drown in it with no regrets.

Another type of drowning that will not kill me, but rather save me.


"I knew it, wine does magic," Amelia says sipping her drink at the bar.
Loud music banging in my ear but all I can hear is Aesterope's whisper roaming lethally around me.
When I told Amelia about my kiss she instantly planned a celebration at one of the bars she owns.
Amelia never told me about her background but I am pretty sure she belongs to a rich family.
She has four bars and two restaurants that she owns. Usually packed with customers. The only reason for event management is because she enjoys the work.

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